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Health:preserve your joints

Health:preserve your joints

Joint pain affects nearly one in two French people. This is not trivial as they impact daily life, the quality of sleep, the practice of certain hobbies, family and professional life. The older we get, the more likely we are to face this problem. Here are our tips to keep your joints healthy for as long as possible.

Spot the signs of fatigue in your joints

Over the years, our joints are put to the test. Naturally, they get tired and the first joint pains may appear. This aging of the joints is due to the wear of the cartilage and the hardening of the tissues. As soon as your joints show the first signs of fatigue, you have to act. Especially if:

  • You feel stiffness in a joint that limits your movement;
  • You have severe pain and the joint is red and swollen;
  • You can no longer move a joint.

These symptoms can have several causes:

  • An injury such as a fall leading to a sprain for example;
  • Age-related osteoarthritis and the natural wear and tear of the joints;
  • Rheumatoid arthritis which can happen at any age:it is an autoimmune disease that causes pain attacks;
  • Gout caused by the formation of uric acid crystals in the blood, creating inflammation;

Joints:top 4 tips to follow

Prevention is better than cure. When it comes to joint pain, there is nothing more true. Don't wait for the pain to set in to take matters into your own hands. Adopt a few small actions that are easy to implement on a daily basis to protect yourself from possible joint pain. Here are 4 tips to achieve this.

  • Do some physical activity. To maintain your flexibility, practice moderate physical activity. It is not about doing intensive sports sessions but about mobilizing your joints. Swimming, cycling, water aerobics and yoga are particularly recommended. On the other hand, contact and sliding sports are not recommended.
  • Eat a suitable diet. Protecting your joints also includes your plate. To strengthen your bones, consume calcium. You will find it in dairy products, sardines, salmon, broccoli, watercress, water, almonds, etc. On the spice side, turmeric and ginger are known to reduce and prevent joint pain.
  • Avoid weight gain. Being overweight promotes osteoarthritis because the weight puts pressure on your joints, especially the hips, ankles or knees. Even in times of confinement, watch your weight gain.
  • Enjoy the benefits of massage. Confined to the house, you do not have access to professional massages. This is an opportunity to put your partner to work, because the massage of tense muscles will relieve you for a while.

Take advantage of our Allo Santé Well-Being assistance service to benefit from personalized support to keep in shape. To find out more, contact our coaching service.

Aromatherapy to relieve joint pain

A few drops of essential oils can be mixed with vegetable oil for joint massage. The preferred essential oils are:

  • The essential oil of wintergreen that soothes inflammation and relieves pain.
  • Lemon eucalyptus essential oil also known to relieve joint pain. Copahu balm used in massage known for its anti-inflammatory properties. It relieves pain and stiffness.
  • Essential oil of rosemary with camphor which heats the massaged area and immediately soothes pain.

In addition to these tips to protect your joints and prevent osteoarthritis, avoid carrying heavy loads and opt for a firm mattress:small, easy-to-implement details that can change your daily life and that of your joints.