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Tobacco and me:it's decided, I'm quitting!

Tobacco and me:it s decided, I m quitting!

Want to quit smoking? Did you know that in 2020, the number of smokers in France stopped falling after several consecutive years of declining smoking in France? More than three out of ten adults aged 18-75 say they smoke at least occasionally and we are seeing a resurgence of smoking in certain sections of the population, particularly among the most disadvantaged people. If the number of smokers has stopped falling, tobacco, on the other hand, has not stopped killing! According to Public Health France, tobacco kills nearly 75,000 people every year people in France. Lung cancer is thus the deadliest cancer in the world according to the report of Global Cancer Statistics 2020 . Faced with this sad record, it is urgent to act!

We guide you to discover the most effective methods to let your addiction burn itself out!

Don't let your good resolutions go up in smoke!

Tobacco in a few figures:a clear observation

“Tobacco is taboo, we will all overcome it”:who does not have in mind this famous slogan taken from the film “Le Pari” which we use and abuse in everyday life? It is clear that it takes more than a small innocuous sentence to fight against the scourge of tobacco in France. Cigarettes are indeed a real scourge:Santé Publique France has drawn up a very telling report:in 2019 nearly 30% of 18-75 year olds declared themselves to be smokers, i.e. nearly 10 million people! The National Public Health Agency also specifies that passive smoking increases the risk of lung cancer by 25%.

Why quit smoking?

Are you perhaps one of the people who every January 1 include quitting smoking in their good resolutions?

If you can't, how about making a list of good reasons to quit smoking? :

  • Quitting smoking is good for your health. Did you know that after a year off, your risk of stroke becomes equivalent to that of a non-smoker ? ;
  • In case of pregnancy, it is strongly recommended not to smoke. Smoking can cause growth retardation or prematurity;
  • Smoking is very expensive! The DGDDI (Direction Générale des Douanes et des Droits Indirects) has noted an increase of almost €6 per pack of cigarettes in 19 years, just that!;
  • It's good for morale! Tabac info service is formal, quitting smoking frees you from stress, anxiety and helps you find peaceful sleep!

The best techniques to quit smoking

It's decided, you're ready to take the leap. Discover the effective solutions that have been proven to overcome this taboo!

Take advantage of the tobacco-free month to take the leap

Do you know the Tobacco Free Month ? It is an information and support campaign for smoking cessation launched by the government and Santé Publique France which takes place every year in November. 30 days is the challenge we offer you to quit smoking. How do we support you? After registering quickly online, you benefit from expert advice and personalized follow-up with a tobacco specialist via a platform or a toll-free number:3989. Validate your registration and receive your kit. Daily challenges, wheel to calculate your savings or tips to accompany you:your quitting smoking is intended to be fun and effective, and to spoil nothing... free so don't hesitate any longer!

Nicotine substitute treatments:false good idea?

While some smokers prefer to attempt this challenge without help, others, on the other hand, feel the need to be accompanied. To do this, you must first consult your general practitioner, who will be able to direct you towards the treatments best suited to your smoking habits. Nicotine replacement therapy aims to gradually reduce the desire to smoke and mitigate the withdrawal effects of smoking cessation.

It can take the form of:

  • nicotine patches;
  • chewing gum;
  • lozenges to suck;
  • electronic cigarette.

Good to know ! Some smoking cessation treatments are reimbursed by social security and complementary health insurance. Think about it!


Have you considered hypnosis to quit smoking ? This very effective technique activates a suggestion mechanism blown by the hypnotherapist which completely changes the vision of the cigarette smoker. It induces in the mind of the patient modified perceptions in relation to tobacco. The results are spectacular from the first session, but a second session may sometimes be necessary.

Making the Resolution Last:Avoiding Relapse

If making the decision to quit smoking is a decisive first step, it is nevertheless essential to make this effort last over time by avoiding any temptation.

The lack

Nicotine is an addictive substance like alcohol or drugs. It creates a strong addictive effect through the action of the endorphins it releases. In the case of a smoking cessation, an evil can emerge:lack.

This feeling of lack can manifest itself more or less violently by:

  • regular cravings;
  • irritability;
  • difficulty sleeping or concentrating;
  • food cravings.

Be careful not to replace one addiction with another!

As soon as you stop, you will have to rethink the risky situations which induced in you smoking automatisms such as coffee breaks, endless journeys in traffic jams, a festive evening or even a moment of intense stress. To overcome this withdrawal phenomenon and avoid withdrawal symptoms such as weight gain or irritability, it will be necessary to find a substitute adapted to each craving for smoking, such as:

  • drink a glass of water;
  • playing sports;
  • try a new activity like music or painting;
  • read.

You are finally free. Take a deep breath of independence!


(Study of the British Doctors by Richard Doll)