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Energy vs Energy Drinks

Energy vs Energy Drinks

Energy drink and energy drink, same fight? Absolutely not ! The first, also called sports drink, is not to be confused with the energy drink, the consumption of which can have harmful effects on health, in the long term.

What is an energy or sports drink?

An energy drink is primarily intended for athletes. It provides vitamins, sugars and mineral salts. It helps, in particular, to replace the nutrients expended during prolonged and/or intense physical effort. This drink is intended to fight against fatigue and dehydration during exercise, and to replenish glycogen (sugar) reserves during endurance exercises.

The sports drink avoids deficiencies by restoring a balance within the body, and rehydrates the athlete. Ultimately , its aim is to improve the performance of athletes during physical effort and to promote recovery, a posteriori , avoiding malnutrition and cramps.

Be careful, however:having one of these drinks is not enough to meet the nutritional and energy needs of athletes. A regular, balanced diet, rich in carbohydrates, is particularly essential to be efficient and in good health.

This type of drink is of little interest to non-athletes, as it does not give an immediate "boost" against fatigue, for example.

What are energy drinks made of?

Several ingredients make up this type of drink, which can be found in stores, in supermarkets or in specialized sports stores. You can also make it at home. Thus, we find in the first place sugars, which are a source of energy for the muscles used during exercise:fructose (sugar from fruit), maltose, etc. Then there are vitamins (those of group B and vitamin C, for example), as well as mineral salts:sodium, potassium, magnesium. Finally, it contains a majority of water, in order to hydrate the athlete and compensate for the loss of water due to perspiration.

A natural energy drink recipe

Do you want to make your own energy drink at home to help you during your sports sessions at home or outdoors? To do this, mix:

  • 20 g agave syrup
  • 20 g rapadura sugar, rich in mineral salts
  • Juice of 2 lemons
  • 1 teaspoon of vitamin C like acerola
  • 250 ml of coconut water 250 ml of water in which you have infused a few green tea leaves.

What is an energy drink?

An energy drink (such as Red Bull, Monster, Burn, Dark Dog…) is said to give a "boost", improve memory and concentration. It is for those who want to counter fatigue during the day. An energy drink contains exciting ingredients, such as caffeine or taurine. Unlike energy drinks, it is not suitable for prolonged physical exertion, and is even not recommended in this case, due to the risk of heart problems it causes.

What are the risks of energy drinks?

This type of drink has a high caffeine or taurine content, which can be harmful to your health if you consume too much of it on a regular basis. Depending on the brand, a can of energy drink provides the equivalent of 3 cups of coffee in caffeine. But that's not all:in these industrial drinks, there is often also the presence of additives such as colorants, flavor enhancers, or added sugars. These last ingredients, which are not natural, are also to be avoided. Thus, these compositions can have repercussions on health in the event of regular consumption. The main consequences are:

  • Heart disorders (especially tachycardia),
  • Overweight, due to the large amount of sugars present,
  • Dehydration,
  • Hyperactivity, nervousness, which can cause insomnia,
  • But also behavioral problems, especially among adolescents,
  • Finally, the risk of developing an addiction.

To find out more about food-related risks (diets, overconsumption of sugars, etc.), nutrition coaching from our health insurance fund is a solution.

Do you feel tired during the day? Having trouble staying awake while working? Using energy drinks to boost your body may not be the solution. Ask a doctor:your fatigue may be a symptom of a medical condition, lack of sleep or deficiency.