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The thousand and one benefits of the hammam

The thousand and one benefits of the hammam

Beauty secret of oriental women, the hammam also has many health benefits. This oriental spa has everything to make you dream:massage, exfoliation, detoxifying heat, all in a setting worthy of the Arabian Nights. Want to relax after a hard week at work? A hammam session is probably what you need!

What are the origins of the hammam?

Direct heir to the Roman baths, the hammam (“ hot water bath ” in Arabic) was born under the Ottoman Empire around the 7th century. century. Its development in the Arab-Muslim world is linked to that of Islam, which asks its followers to purify their body and mind during prayers. Although many hammams have now disappeared from Arab cities in favor of individual bathrooms, it is currently still rooted in mentalities, especially in the Maghreb.

Did you know:the hammam, a tradition for millennia

The first known public hammam is located in Basra, Iraq. It was built in the 7th century AD. The hammams then multiplied in all Arab cities, sometimes reaching 1 public bath for 80 inhabitants. The city of Tunis had up to 15 public hammams between 1200 and 1550. Note that at the same time, the baths were not very successful in France (Louis XIV would have taken only two in his life, on prescription medical!).[1]

Hammam and sauna:what are the differences?

Sauna, hammam, don't you see the difference? However, she is big. In the sauna, the air is dry and very hot (the temperature can rise to 100 degrees!). You won't see any steam in it (unless you're occasionally sprinkling lava rocks Finn-style). In the hammam, it is quite the opposite. The air is very humid, because the heat is produced by a steam generator. It is also less hot there (about 50 degrees). In terms of decoration, it's not the same atmosphere either:wood for the sauna, mosaic for the hammam.

Hammam good for health

The hammam deeply cleanses the skin

It's well known:heat dilates the pores and allows deep cleaning. To have a baby's skin, oriental women clean themselves with black soap. Based on black olives, this ancestral beauty product gently cleanses the skin while intensely moisturizing it. To say goodbye to all your dead skin, complete the hammam with a scrub with a kessa glove, a rough washcloth used in the East. Make large circular movements to deeply exfoliate the skin.

After your exfoliation, wrap your body in rassoul. This traditional clay from Morocco softens the skin, regulates sebum and tightens pores.

The hammam relieves stress

After a stressful day at the office, the hammam is the ideal place to relax. Heat, silence, dimmed lights… this cozy atmosphere will do your nervous system a lot of good. Your muscle pain will gradually fade and your brain will release analgesic hormones. For optimal relaxation, lie down for fifteen minutes and let go. The top is to get a massage after the exfoliation and the rassoul treatment. The massages in the hammam last about 30 minutes:a real moment of relaxation to end your day well. You'll feel like you're on cloud nine!

The hammam clears the airways

At the first signs of a cold or sinusitis, run to the hammam! This is because the moist heat associated with eucalyptus oils clears the nasal passages. Inhale and exhale deeply for ten minutes. An excellent alternative to the doctor and drugs.

The hammam removes impurities

By sweating, the body eliminates toxins, these harmful substances that dull the complexion. For an effective detox cure, go to the hammam about 2 to 3 times a month. Complete your sessions with massages and exfoliating scrubs.

The hammam activates blood circulation

We muster up our courage and complete our hammam session with a cold shower. Cold water firms the blood vessels dilated by the heat. This thermal shock is particularly beneficial if you suffer from poor circulation.

Hammam:be careful

Heat and humidity are not good for everyone. To avoid discomfort, the hammam is not recommended if you are pregnant or if you suffer from respiratory or heart disease, fever, skin conditions... In any case, the hammam is prohibited after a hearty meal (wait at least 3 hours , the time of digestion). Finally, if you go to a public hammam, remember to take sandals.

The hammam will give you an incomparable feeling of well-being. Good for body and soul, this steam bath has it all.

[1]“The Hammam ” through manuscripts and other ancient works of Arabic medical literature ; Wikipedia