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THE One and Only Way to Bandage an Injured Ankle.

THE One and Only Way to Bandage an Injured Ankle.

Are your ankle injured? You have a sprain ?

You must put on a bandage , and not sure how to go about it?

It's true that when the doctor does it, it seems easy.

And yet, we quickly realize that it's not so simple when we have to try it!

So here is the right method, in pictures. It's the one and only way to properly bandage an injured ankle. Watch:

THE One and Only Way to Bandage an Injured Ankle.

How to

1. Start by binding the upper calf by making turns around the calf.

2. Pass an elastic band (here yellow) under the foot and bring it up on the calf. It forms a right angle .

3. Pass a 3rd strip (here blue) around the yellow strip to hold it in place.

4. Again pass a yellow band under the foot to bring it up on the calf at a right angle.

5. Surround this yellow vertical band again with another blue band.

6. Repeat this gesture again so that you have 3 blue stripes and 3 yellow stripes.

7. Take another strip (here turquoise blue).

8. Wrap it around the ankle, then under the heel and finally under the foot.

9. Take another strip (here green). Pass it under the foot then around the ankle.

10. Now take a large purple stripe.

11. Pass it twice under the foot then around the ankle and up over the entire calf.


There you go, you have made an effective bandage for an injured ankle :-)

This is the best way to immobilize an ankle and keep it in line.

This technique is the one used by health professionals so that the ankle does not move at all.

This method is called strapping.

You can use kinesiology tapes to make bandaging easier.

Unless you are allergic to these adhesive strips.

It's very effective! And it's really practical, especially in the case of a sprain.

And here's how to make an ice pack that doesn't leak.

Your turn...

You tried this trick to have a good hard-on an ankle ? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to read you!