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Here's Why Stand Up Paddleboarding Is A Great Workout

To maintain a fit and healthy body, eating a balanced diet, sleeping regularly and exercising are the key words. If you can't get to the gym, a great alternative is to try stand-up paddleboarding (SUP). SUP, which has become one of the most popular water sports activities, helps you kill two birds with one stone:start a great workout while getting close to nature. Here's how.

It burns a lot of calories

While SUP is as simple as it sounds – it involves propelling you through the water while standing on a board, using a paddle – it actually requires you to use large areas of your body. And the result:you burn more calories. If you do SUP continuously at a moderate pace for an hour, you will burn about 700 calories.

It helps strengthen your core

One of the reasons we recommend SUP for those who want to get fitter is its ability to improve your core strength. When you paddle standing up, you need your abs to keep your balance.

It improves your balance

Besides improving your core, SUP can also help improve your joint stability and coordination. These improvements will eventually lead to a significant improvement in your balance.

It increases your stamina

SUP is an immersive water sport. While it helps you burn a lot of calories, participating in these types of activities can be so much fun that you don't notice that you've been "exercising" for hours. Doing SUP regularly can benefit your body in the long run by increasing your stamina.

It helps to reduce stress

SUP can help clear your head and improve your focus. While learning this activity and using it to lose some fat, you will feel more relaxed and less stressed. Having lower stress levels can also improve your physiological functioning.

You get a healthier body and mind 

While stand-up paddle boarding is considered a great workout because of the fitness benefits it provides, SUP is actually low-impact, relaxing, and not as "intense" as other strength-based exercises people do at the gym.

As mentioned, it's also a great way to immerse yourself in nature. If you have a special affinity for picturesque water scenes, this water sport is definitely for you. Ultimately, this activity can help you explore and see the horizon – and yourself – in a new light.