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People Who Spend Their Money For Strong Experiences Are Happier. Here's why.

People Who Spend Their Money For Strong Experiences Are Happier. Here s why.

Nowadays the number of things we can spend our money on is practically unlimited.

Our society is literally obsessed with consumption.

Houses, cars, electronic gadgets, etc. are all objects that society pushes us to buy.

It is impossible to escape the advertising messages that encourage us to buy all the latest fashionable products.

How do manufacturers manage to lure us, capture our attention and convince us that their products are necessary to our happiness?

People Who Spend Their Money For Strong Experiences Are Happier. Here s why.

The manufacturers make us believe that it is by buying their products that we will be happier.

Admittedly, the purchase of a new house, a car, an iPhone or even a hamburger can bring us a certain satisfaction at a given moment, but the concern is that it does not last very long. ..

On the other hand, the strong experiences that we live are eternal . If you choose to spend your money on intense experiences, instead of buying material things, you will get much more joy and happiness in your life. Discover the 8 explanations:

1. The value of strong experiences is priceless

This is a theme I have spoken about before, a theme the importance of which I cannot stress enough. Strong experiences are invaluable. Material goods, on the other hand, depreciate over time.

Certainly, the purchase of a house or a car are important purchases in life, but over time, the satisfaction you derive from them will certainly fade. Why ? Quite simply because the initial intoxication associated with the purchase of a material good will never last.

In comparison, the experiences you have had do not fade. They keep their shine forever. Yes, you may have paid €75 to buy tickets to see the France team play, but it's an experience you'll never forget. You can think back to this match in your mind at any time and relive all the sensations.

Similarly, we never forget a good evening spent with friends, whether at the restaurant, at the cinema or in a nightclub. You never forget a World Cup match or a trip to Asia. All these are powerful experiences that will never be erased, no matter how many electronic gadgets you buy.

Of course, some purchases are necessary in life. We all need housing, and most of us also need a car or some other form of transportation. New technologies also occupy an important place in our daily lives.

But the next time you want to make the purchase of a material good, ask yourself this question:isn't there an experience in which your money would be better? spent, an experience that would bring even more to your life than a simple object?

2. Powerful experiences help define your purpose and your passions

If you don't spend money to live powerful experiences, the risk is that you will never find your reason for being and your passions.

Your purpose and your passions are there to guide your life like a compass. They are the ones who show you the direction to follow in your life. They are what guide us and define our daily actions.

Of course, the powerful experiences you have don't have to be expensive or luxurious , just like your reason for being and your passions. However, it is important that these powerful experiences on which you spend your money are in line with your reason for being and your passions.

For example, if you are passionate about sports and think it could play a central role in your life, then it makes perfect sense to spend your money on attending sporting events. If you're sure sports are your calling, learn all you can about sports. This logic applies to all the things in life that you are passionate about.

In fact, never miss an opportunity to pursue the things that you are passionate about and that bring meaning to your life. These are important experiences, experiences that, on closer inspection, will define your life. That's why investing your money in this type of experience is always a good investment!

3. Powerful experiences help you see the world in a different light

Traveling is probably one of the best ways to learn to see the world in a different light. And it is undoubtedly THE best way to discover other cultures and new customs. These are the kinds of experiences that teach us much more than what we could learn in a classroom.

In addition, we do not necessarily need to travel to the other side of the world to enjoy the benefits of travel. Indeed, a simple weekend getaway is enough to bring us new experiences and discover new points of view. But it's not just the trip to help us see the world in a different light.

Spending time in nature is a calming experience that encourages meditation. Moreover, these moments spent in nature are among my most valuable memories. I love enjoying all the beauty and splendor of the landscapes. The advantage of this type of strong experience is that they are totally free , but they nevertheless possess the power to upset us and see life in a different light.

To discover: 15 Reasons Why People Who Travel Are More Successful In Life.

4. Powerful experiences teach you life lessons

People Who Spend Their Money For Strong Experiences Are Happier. Here s why.

It's important to spend money on powerful experiences because they teach us lessons that we can't learn anywhere else. Going on a trip to discover new places teaches us to be patient, to be more tolerant and to develop our organizational skills.

Buying tickets for a philharmonic orchestra, a play, an opera or a musical reinforces our sensitivity to the performing and performing arts.

Devoting time to visiting a museum or an exhibition helps to discover new information about unknown periods of history. Attending sporting events helps to fully realize the sacrifice and commitment required to become an athlete.

As humans, we are part of a species characterized by a thirst for enriching experiences that bring meaning to our existence.

These experiences not only enrich our knowledge with new facts and information:they also literally transform our lives. They teach us to be humble and to be compassionate. They teach us what the true virtues of life are.

Although these lessons may seem subtle at first, they are one of the main reasons why it is essential to invest your money in strong experiences.

5. Strong experiences help you be more grateful

Each powerful experience you live is a new opportunity to express your gratitude. And if you fill your life with enriching experiences, imagine how grateful you will be to be alive on this earth.

And, it is by training to be grateful for the significant experiences of our life that we also learn to be grateful for the more mundane experiences of life. It is thus possible to transform one's perception of the world, for a world in which all the experiences we live deserve our recognition.

Living knowing how to be grateful is the best way for you to live happily. Therefore, try to fill your life with experiences that deserve your recognition, and you will see how much it will improve your existence.

It's certainly no coincidence that you get a powerful feeling of euphoria when you watch a great football match or watch an exciting movie at the cinema. We are simply grateful to live these strong experiences because their price to pay is largely justified.

6. Strong experiences become unforgettable and joyful memories

The main reason why people invest money in strong experiences is that they become unforgettable and joyful memories. These memories are particularly useful when we are going through a difficult period in our lives.

Of course, it's not necessarily ideal to completely dissociate yourself from the present moment, but having pleasant and comforting memories available to you that you can recall at any time is of considerable therapeutic value . Maybe one day these good memories will help you put a difficult situation into perspective and realize that things are not as bad as they seem.

Happiness is closely linked to our ability to know how to savor the present moment. So why not take advantage of powerful experiences that take you out of the ordinary and out of the daily grind? Invest your money in enriching experiences, which you can enjoy not only now but for the rest of your life.

7. Strong experiences are stimulating and lead to action

The strong experiences that you will live will inspire you and, sometimes also, encourage you to act. If not, it may mean that you haven't invested enough time or energy in these experiences yet.

For example, embarking on the ascent of Mount Everest is an experience that you will certainly never forget, because it is a great challenge that one is forced to overcome once launched. Climbing a mountain is a mental and physical challenge, a challenge that inspires you to become better and also inspires those around you to become better.

Learning to play a musical instrument, or learning a foreign language are also extremely rewarding intellectual challenges for people who persevere in their efforts. Finding things that inspire us and overcoming difficult situations are essential to finding happiness in life.

Whether you believe it or not, it's essential to be motivated enough to realize your full potential. It is precisely these types of stimulating experiences that will inspire you to aim as high as possible.

8. Strong experiences are essential to your existence

Given the difficult economic context, it is very likely that you are trying to reduce your expenses, not to increase them. But don't worry, the goal is not to spend your money on futile experiments.

On the contrary, the goal is to make the most of your expenses on stimulating experiences. Therefore, avoid throwing yourself at the first opportunity you come across. Take the time to do research, in order to target strong experiences that really correspond to you.

Simply ask yourself the question:"what are the experiences likely to increase my well-being?" Most of the time, you will immediately know the answer to this question. In this case, you will not have to worry about the money spent to live these experiences. You will know that this money is money well invested.

Never hesitate to fill your life with strong experiences. Most of the time, having these experiences will not cost you much. Sometimes these experiences will be affordable and maybe others will be more expensive but they will bring you a lot in terms of memories and life lessons.

Remember: to never be disappointed, choose only the experiences that correspond to your passions and your raison d'être.

Now it's up to you:you can either spend your money on "stuff" that brings short-lived satisfaction, or you can invest in meaningful experiences that will bring you happiness for a long time :-)