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8 reasons why you should try paddleboarding

Paddleboarding, or a large type of surfboard on which you can stand or sit, is increasingly seen on Dutch waters. This form of surfing is practiced when there are no waves, so on calm water. Many celebrities such as Jennifer Aniston and Cameron Diaz have already been spotted on a paddleboard. And not surprising, because paddle boarding appears to be an effective form of training; more effective, even, than running or swimming. So here are 8 reasons why you should try paddleboarding:

1. It burns more calories than swimming and running.
If you paddle quietly in the water you can burn up to 430 calories. But if you increase the speed a bit, you can burn up to 1125 calories. Compare that to running that burns 650 calories per hour and swimming at 840 calories per hour, then you know enough.

2. You don't really feel like training.
You use your muscles to maintain balance on the board without even really thinking about it. For example, your lower back muscles do a lot of work to stabilize your body, but you don't really feel you're doing much until you get out of the water. Minimal effort with maximum results, isn't that perfect?

3. You'll get the abs of your dreams.
Paddleboarding is a great workout for the whole body, but the big plus comes in the form of nice, toned abs. Certain movements you make use the obliques of your abdomen, as well as the muscles in the front of your abdomen. Simply put, the paddle does your abs good.

4. Try a HIIT paddleboard for best results. The best way to get really fit is through interval training. For example, do 20 fast beats and then 10 slow beats to really improve your heart rate.

5. Don't you live by the sea? No problem.
Although it is nice to paddle in an azure sea at a tropical holiday destination, you can also do it in lakes, rivers and canals, in principle, anywhere with calm water it is fine for paddle boarding.

6. Paddleboarding is not as difficult as it looks.
With lessons, it takes about 5-15 minutes to learn the technique. Sure, you can just grab a board and try it yourself, but chances are you won't get the technique right, meaning you won't get those tight abs.

7. Is Paddleboarding not your thing? There is always yoga.
Doing yoga on a floating board sounds difficult, and it is. You add imbalance because you are on a moving surface and have to work a little harder. Balancing when the surface moves is a bit more complicated, but that makes it more beneficial. SUP yoga is a great calorie burner, you can burn up to 540 calories in an hour.

8. You don't need any special clothing.
Besides the board and paddle, you can wear whatever you feel comfortable in. Just wear clothes you would wear for other workouts. In colder weather you will have to put on a wetsuit.