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5 reasons why the number on the scale has been the same for a while

5 reasons why the number on the scale has been the same for a while

You want to lose some weight, but the number on the scale just stays the same… It could just be one of the following reasons.

1. Your portions are too large

Avocados are very healthy, but they also contain a lot of calories † Unsalted almonds are a healthy snack, but they are not exactly low in calories. The wise lesson:you cannot eat healthy products without limit.

2. You are not eating enough vegetables

Vegetables are the basis of a healthy diet. They are low in calories and because of the fibres vegetables ensure that you feel full for a long time, so a double advantage.

3. You are using too many sauces and toppings

You can prepare a healthy meal in no time unhealthy by adding bacon. Just like dressing and croutons easily exceed 100 calories can add to your salad.

5 reasons why the number on the scale has been the same for a while

4. You don't cut your food

Something as simple as cutting your food can help you combat overeating. It may seem childish to cut everything into small pieces, but research shows that it helps to eat less. Just like eating smaller plates really works better if you want to lose weight.

5. You forget to enjoy

Enjoy biscuits, sweets or pie every now and then. By denying yourself everything, your diet is more difficult to stick to and you increase the chance that you will subsequently binge eat. In addition, it is important to do enough fun things and relax. Stress is a trigger for weight gain.

Of course there are many more reasons why your weight does not change. Illness, age, hormonal influences or maybe because you are already the right weight.

Image:Getty Images

5 reasons why the number on the scale has been the same for a while 5 reasons why the number on the scale has been the same for a while