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6 Reasons why boxing is the ideal workout

If you're considering taking up a new sport, boxing probably won't be the first thing that comes to mind. That's a shame, because boxing has become the fashion world's favorite workout for a reason. Many models swear by the fat-burning workout to get a lean, strong physique. And after seeing their results, many women have since started boxing training. But boxing doesn't just increase muscle mass and physical strength; it can also help gain mental strength and fight a range of health problems. Below are 6 reasons why boxing is the ideal warkout.

You burn fat quickly Combining martial arts techniques and cardio, boxing is an energizing workout guaranteed to burn calories and fat. The cardio element of boxing is one of the most effective ways to burn fat, especially that pesky belly fat that is associated with an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes and some cancers.

You train your whole body with it
All that punching, jumping and agility requires a great deal of strength from your entire body.
It tightens your whole body because boxing forces you to use every muscle group in your body.

It is a great stress reliever
You might think pounding that punching bag will fuel your aggression, but boxing is actually surprisingly therapeutic. Boxing helps relieve physical and mental stress and tension with every punch. Boxing can reduce stress hormones such as cortisol and increase endorphins, giving your mood a natural boost, which in turn relieves stress.

You learn valuable self-defense techniques Although the majority of women go into boxing for the physical training, the self-defense aspect is certainly a big advantage. Who wouldn't want to be able to protect themselves in a dangerous situation? And if you can do that, your self-confidence will also grow.

You can do it anywhere
Yes, you can go to the gym to take boxing lessons. But that is not necessary. If you want to box at home, you don't need that much for a good workout. You just need to buy a punching bag and boxing gloves. Of course you can also combine boxing lessons and boxing at home to master certain punches and kicks.

You don't need any special clothing
In principle you can wear clothes that you would also wear to the gym, but special attention should be paid to shoes that you use, because you need a good grip but also light shoes that do not hinder your maneuverability. You don't have to invest in real boxing shoes. As far as clothing is concerned, it is generally recommended to wear clothing that is breathable, stretchy and not too heavy. Remember that boxing is not a walk in the park so be prepared to break a sweat. A nice plus; women's boxing gloves are now available in fun colors that are really feminine.