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Popular Diet Myths Debunked

Thousands of people are scouring the internet for ways to encourage a healthy lifestyle. Many popular diet facts and trends are spread in the media so often that it is difficult to know which tips to trust and which not. The truth about healthy eating may surprise you. A dietitian separates myth from fact when it comes to diet.

Gluten-free desserts are healthier
Gluten-free desserts are not healthier than 'normal' desserts. In fact, gluten substitutes can actually increase calories and contribute to weight gain. That said, gluten-free foods are good to consume by those diagnosed with celiac disease or who are gluten intolerant – but gluten-free desserts should be eaten in moderation and with a balanced diet.

Sugar-free and fat-free foods lead to fat-free bodies
When the words "sugar-free" or "fat-free" are written on a box of chocolate, it's probably easy to feel less guilty about eating the whole box in one sitting. Fat-free and sugar-free do not mean that foods are calorie-free. It doesn't matter what kind of food you eat, if you use more calories than you expend, you will gain weight.

While searching for fat-free or sugar-free treats, it is essential to be a conscious label reader. In fact, the fat content in many of these "sugar-free" items can be extremely high. Similar to gluten-free desserts, when nutrients such as fat are removed from food, artificial ingredients can be added to the food to account for taste. This filler can lead to more calories.

Carbohydrates make you fat Carbohydrates alone don't cause weight gain – instead, it's the type of carbohydrates we choose that leads to more fat cells in the body. We need carbohydrates because they are the body's main source of fuel. The real problem with carbohydrates lies in our diet, which is rich in refined carbohydrates and processed foods. Eating a lot of these carbohydrates will contribute to weight gain. Follow a balanced diet that is higher in complex carbohydrates and lower in simple or processed carbohydrates.

Healthy food is more expensive Indeed, eating fresh may cost more than loading your cart with processed foods or fast food from a snack bar, but on the grand scheme of things, it will probably cost you more in medical bills to maintain an unhealthy lifestyle. You have to look at the long-term health consequences.

It is possible to eat healthy at an affordable price. When it comes to fruits and vegetables, buy the ones in season. We all have favorites, but if we buy them all year round when they're not in season, we see a price increase. You should always vary – don't be afraid to try the aubergine or cauliflower when it's in season and not broccoli or asparagus.

You gain weight if you eat late at night
"Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a queen and dinner like a beggar." Have you ever heard this saying? It doesn't matter what time you eat as much as what you eat. This is more about portion size and how many calories you consume. It doesn't matter what time of day you eat as long as you eat a balanced diet, consume food in moderation and burn more calories than you consume.

Fasting is important to cleanse the body
Fasting is not recommended unless it is for religious purposes. We already have a built-in cleansing system:our kidneys and liver. Simple fasting to "cleanse" where you don't eat for a certain number of days can be dangerous. Consult a physician prior to any extreme diet that encourages fasting for an extended period of time.

Eating a diet that is high in fiber is what naturally removes toxins from your body. The more fiber you consume, the more it is able to move food and its associated toxins out of the body. Unfortunately, many people have a refined diet that contains too little fiber. This allows toxins to thrive in our body. It is important to know that we all have cells with the potential to turn into cancer cells. The way we fuel our bodies determines whether they are converted into cancer cells or terminated.

Energy bars are good for weight loss Our busy lives often do not allow for adequate meal preparation and many people turn to energy bars as a quick and easy meal replacement. While energy bars are convenient, they should be consumed along with a balanced diet and we should be wary of their ingredients.

You can't always trust the internet The internet is an excellent source for diet tips and healthy living, but it can be unreliable. It is always best to speak to a physician or registered dietitian for the most current and factual nutritional advice.