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The influence of popular diets on your bowel movements

The influence of popular diets on your bowel movements

What you eat comes out again. But what about if you follow a certain diet? Does that affect your bowel movements?

The Mediterranean diet

The Mediterranean diet is very high in fiber. This diet is dominated by vegetables, fruits, nuts and whole grains. All packed with fiber and that is very good for your bowel movements.

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Vegetarian diet

By eating less or no meat, it is very easy to go to the toilet regularly for the big errand. Vegetarians eat more fruits and vegetables; foods full of fiber!


If you follow a vegan lifestyle, you go one step further. Dairy products and eggs are therefore missing from your diet and that certainly helps for regular and healthy bowel movements.

Paleo diet

The paleo diet is also known as the hunter-gatherer diet. It consists of unprocessed foods:eat as our ancestors once did. The disadvantage is that this diet contains a lot of meat and that is a bit more difficult for your stomach to digest. That can cause congestion. But if you compensate for this with enough vegetables and fruit, your bowel movements will be fine!

Keto diet

The keto diet is mainly based on a protein-rich diet. Carbohydrates are often avoided and therein lies the problem. Because then it is difficult to eat enough fiber, so that your bowel movements are less regular. Those who follow the keto diet often suffer from constipation.