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Do you suffer from unwanted urine loss?

If you suffer from unwanted urine loss, it can be a comforting thought that you are not the only one who has this problem. It is estimated that there are about 700,000 women in the Netherlands who suffer from incontinence. The amount of urine lost can vary from a few drops to the entire bladder contents.

The first symptoms of incontinence usually appear in middle-aged women, although some women in their thirties already experience involuntary leakage of urine. In the majority of cases, this is caused by the pelvic floor muscles not working as they should, they are damaged or their strength is reduced. This loss of function can also lead to problems with sexuality where the desire and need for intimate contact with the partner changes.

Incontinence in pregnant women and in menopausal women
Women who are pregnant or women in the menopause are at increased risk of involuntary leakage of urine due to a malfunctioning pelvic floor. Stress incontinence can arise because the pelvic floor muscles become weaker under the influence of hormonal changes. Incontinence is also common in women who have had a difficult birth.

A peeing diary
Which treatment for your incontinence is right for you depends on the cause and the amount of urine you lose. The doctor will first want to find out and he may ask you to keep a 'urine diary'. In this you write down the times at which you lost urine and the amount. Based on the results, he will discuss the possible treatments with you.

Treatment of incontinence
First of all, an attempt can be made to reduce or eliminate incontinence by doing pelvic floor exercises or following bladder training, whether or not combined with a special diet. If the exercises or bladder training have no effect after three months, medicines can be used. If the incontinence is caused by a prolapse, a pessary ring can be placed deep in the vagina so that a prolapsed bladder and/or uterus can be returned to the right place. If none of these treatments solve the incontinence, an operation can be chosen in which the surgeon usually makes the urethra stronger by placing a band under it.

Incontinence Materials
Although stopping and preventing the involuntary loss of urine is the first goal and also the most pleasant, there is not a solution for every woman. Di makes it time to look for good protection. “Fortunately, there are now sufficient aids available that ensure that you experience as little inconvenience as possible from your incontinence,” says Abena Healthcare. There is a suitable product for every situation and shape. Sometimes it is a matter of trying out different brands and articles. An incontinence nurse or your pharmacy can assist you with this.