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How do you deal with unwanted urine loss?

Suffering from unwanted urine loss or incontinence is annoying. Yet this ailment occurs in many women of different ages. This can be after pregnancy, during stress or in menopause. Incontinence occurs when urine is involuntarily released from the bladder. This can vary from small leaks to large quantities. But if the time has come that coughing or laughing leads to fear of leakage, it's natural to worry about it. It can be embarrassing and affect your self-esteem, confidence, and quality of life. Fortunately, for many women, a few adjustments to minor incontinence problems will significantly reduce. Here we give you some tips on how to deal with this.

How do you deal with incontinence?
Do pelvic floor exercises. The pelvic floor is a system of muscles, ligaments and nerves that provides support for our bladder. You can lose urine if the muscles are weakened after, for example, a pregnancy or due to being overweight. You can strengthen your muscles to improve symptoms. The exercise that works for these muscles is called a kegel. Relax and contract the muscles very quickly for two to ten seconds, then release them. Make it a habit to do it daily, at least 3 times a day. It can stop or significantly reduce the unwanted urine.

Avoid food that irritates the bladder. This may mean limiting alcohol, caffeine, citrus, and chocolate, as all of these foods affect the acidity of urine, eventually irritating an already sensitive bladder. Keep a journal where you record what you eat, when you eat it, and how often you feel the urge to urinate. This can help you identify correlations between the food you eat and the intensity of your incontinence so you can make changes to your eating habits.

Adjust drinking habits! Drinking too much of anything will create an urge to go. But it is important to drink enough water, but to limit coffee, tea, alcohol and sweetener-containing drinks. Drinking too little stimulates the bladder.

Keep to a toilet schedule. Sticking to a schedule can serve to lessen some of the urgency associated with having an overactive bladder. Start by going to the toilet every hour, gradually increasing the time between each visit over time. Bladder training of this nature can come in handy when dealing with incontinence. You may be able to train your bladder to go at certain intervals, giving you a level of predictability for your urination needs.

Move. Weight management can help relieve the symptoms of adult incontinence because extra pounds put pressure on the muscles of the bladder, which can lead to stress incontinence. Just walking around more is an easy way to get moving.
Protect yourself. Specially designed incontinence underwear or bandages provide comfort and peace of mind for those times when you didn't make it to the toilet despite your best efforts. Some women are reluctant to buy incontinence products because of stigma or discomfort. And let's face it, they aren't always pretty. But you also have nice washable incontinence pants that are not inferior to normal underwear, and nobody will notice the difference. Then you don't have to be afraid of an accident, and you can go out on the street confidently and comfortably.