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10 Yoga Etiquette Tips

Yoga studios have become places where vibrant activities take place. A space that normally rests on time and personal reflection, now also functions as a social venue. While it's nice to have a community space for practitioners to gather, there are some things that can help maintain a sacred atmosphere appropriate for your personal practice.

1. Dress well
As the popularity of yoga has increased, so have the clothing options:some brands focus more on fashion than functionality. While some yoga clothes are fun, they may not be practical or appropriate for the classroom. The low-slung yoga pants may be cute in the store, but pay attention to how they look in certain poses. Test your yoga wear at home with a mirror and make sure it's as functional as it is fashionable.

2. Be on time
Yoga is a time to honor your mind, body, soul and spirit. It's the one time in the day or week when you can forget the hustle and bustle of everyday life while getting lost in practice. Don't make a mistake by showing up late. Out of respect for your instructor and your fellow students, arrive on time or a few minutes early. The same rule applies to early leaving of class. Unless you have an emergency, stay until the end of class. After all, Savasana or relaxation at the end is the best part of yoga.

3. Watch your scent
While yoga is about your authentic self, your natural scent may not be welcome in a crowded yoga space. For the sake of your fellow practitioners, bring deodorant with you. On the other hand, also be aware of wearing strong perfumes. Many people are sensitive to or may be allergic to certain scents.

4. Share the space
Although yoga is a very personal practice, it is also a group activity. Make room for your fellow yogis and move your mat if someone needs a place and show compassion if someone comes late. If someone else is disrupting the class, use it as an opportunity to practice staying centered amid the crowds.

5. Go for the right reasons Yoga classes can be a great place to make new friends and meet new people, but that shouldn't be your primary reason for going. If you stay rooted in your practice and find inner peace, authentic relationships will follow.

6. Don't compare yourself to others Everyone comes to a different level in yoga practice and each person progresses at his or her own pace. You may never achieve a full lotus, but can do a perfect boat pose. Try to distance yourself from comparisons or judgments - from yourself and others. If you need help turning your attention inward, try closing your eyes.

7. Spread good karma
Help keep the yoga studio tidy by performing selfless acts before and after class. You can help clean up, smile or encourage the new practitioner, or ask your instructor if she needs help setting up. Make sure your belongings are in a locker or in an empty room so that someone else has room to clean up their mat. All these kind gestures can help you move forward in your practice.

8. Let your body relax completely
Believe it or not, releasing a little wind is completely normal in yoga. In fact, there is a pose called "the wind-relieving pose." Yoga poses are designed to keep every part of your body healthy and vibrant. So if you fart from time to time, don't be ashamed of it. If it happens, just continue with your practice. It's not like it's never happened before.

9. Leave your cell phone out of the room
You can't really commit to practice when you see lyrics, tweets, and Facebook comments pop up on your screen. Think back to the days before cell phones and go old school. If you want your partner or children to be able to reach you in an emergency, give them the number of the studio you are in.

10. Keep an open mind
Every yogi has a favorite teacher. You may be used to the way he or she teaches or you may like the calming voice. But don't close yourself off to new or replacement teachers. A yoga practice is about expanding your mind and increasing your awareness. Even if you are disappointed when you don't see your favorite teacher, keep an open mind and open heart. Tell yourself that you will learn at least one thing from this new teacher. You may find that you have learned a lot more by the end of the lesson.