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Why the effects of binge drinking could last longer than you think

The effects of a heavy drinking session on our thoughts and performance may last longer, according to a new study. The study highlights that cognitive impairments seen when individuals are intoxicated are still present the day after, when little to no alcohol remains in the bloodstream. Across the board, they emphasize how a hangover causes people to have less attention, memory, and psychomotor skills such as coordination and speed compared to when they are sober. The researchers suggest that their findings have important implications when it comes to activities performed after a hangover, including driving.

For example, during the hangover, people can usually wait until they believe there is no alcohol in the system before driving. These new results suggest that we may still be deficient in terms of the cognitive processes required even after alcohol has left the bloodstream. In addition, the researchers caution that while many workplaces have clear policies regarding workplace alcohol intoxication, few cover up the effects of alcohol the next day.

The meta-analysis involved in this study included a review of 770 articles related to the topic.