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Health Tip:5 Delicious Foods That Are Good For The Heart.

Health Tip:5 Delicious Foods That Are Good For The Heart.

Blood clots are affecting more and more people.

How to avoid them? Since junk food is not for nothing...

...eating well reduces the risk.

Here are 5 heart-healthy foods you should eat in moderation. Watch:

Health Tip:5 Delicious Foods That Are Good For The Heart.

1. Cranberry juice

The cranberry is also nicknamed the apple of the meadows, the big red bilberry or the pea of ​​the fagne. In English, it is called cranberry. The cranberry is the cousin of the blueberry. Its taste is quite acidic.

Generally, it is consumed mainly in the form of cranberry or cranberry juice. But you can also eat dried cranberries by mixing them in yogurt or muesli.

Its benefits have been recognized for centuries. The American Indians already used it to heal their wounds.

Today, we know that they are effective in the fight against urinary tract infections. But they are also very rich in antioxidants. And that is an asset in the fight against certain cardiovascular diseases.

2. Red grape

Red grape juice is rich in antioxidants and potassium.

Drinking grape juice regularly is excellent for the health of the heart and blood vessels. In particular, it helps the vessels to dilate by promoting the release of nitric oxide.

According to scientific studies, red grapes lower bad cholesterol levels (LDL) and increase good cholesterol levels (HDL).

For all these reasons, it is excellent for preventing cardiovascular disease.

On the other hand, grapes are among the fruits most contaminated by pesticides. So if you eat it, prefer organic grapes.

3. Melon

Sweet and fresh, melon is undoubtedly the summer vegetable! It is from the same family as watermelon and cucumbers.

And like them, it allows you to stay well hydrated when it's hot, while enjoying yourself.

But that's not all. Because the melon is rich in vitamins A, B9 and C, in cartonoids and in phenolic nutrients. It is an excellent source of beta-carotene (even more than carrots!).

All these nutrients are essential for effective antioxidant action to prevent heart disease and prevent cell aging.

It is also full of potassium which fights against high blood pressure, the cause of hardening of the arteries.

And to choose a good melon to make a delicious starter, here are 4 grandmother's tips.

4. Kiwi

As we know, the kiwi is full of vitamin C. A single kiwi covers almost all of the antioxidant vitamin C needs. Enough to keep you going all day long!

Its small black seeds are rich in vitamin E. This fruit from China helps to have better digestion and fight against cell aging.

But the most interesting thing is that it has a beneficial action on the heart.

Thanks to the combination of its fibers and polyphenols, it protects the cardiovascular system.

5. Shrimp

Rich in calcium, phosphorus and low in calories, shrimp is one of the most consumed shellfish.

Shrimp is rich in omega-3 essential fatty acids, astaxanthin (from the carotenoid family) and coenzyme Q10 (an antioxidant).

It is an interesting cocktail of nutrients that help thin the blood and limit the risk of blood clots and the formation of bad cholesterol.


If you suffer from gout, best to avoid shrimp, as they are high in purines that can raise uric acid levels in the blood.

Some shrimp are treated with sodium bisulphite. If you can't stand sulfites , check that on the label that they do not contain any.

Finally, if you have allergies Watch out for the prawns! They contain tropomyosin, a protein responsible for allergies.

There you go, cranberry juice (also known as cranberry juice), red grapes, melon, kiwi and shrimp are good for your health.

All these foods reduce the risk of blood clots, which are often the cause of more serious illnesses.

So don't wait to eat it!

Your turn...

Do you know of any other heart-healthy foods? Share them with us in the comments. We can't wait to read you!