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Tips to get in shape without leaving the house

Don't have the time, money or desire to sign up for a gym membership? That shouldn't stop you from starting to get fit. You can also train very easily at home. By getting the right equipment, adding creativity to your workouts and keeping your motivation up, you can start a training program around the house that will last. Here are some tips:

1. Make sure you know your condition. An assessment by a personal trainer will help you determine what your goals should be. For example, it will show if you need flexibility or if you should focus on increasing your cardiovascular capacity instead. This provides a starting point for fitness planning. Also check with your doctor to make sure your new routine is the best and safest for your individual needs.

2. Buy equipment that suits you. Don't buy something that you will later use just to hang your clothes. Find something you like, what you will do, and what to focus on once your assessment is complete. Do you need the cardiovascular exercise? Buy a cardiovascular machine. Do you need some strength training? Buy a Dyna band or small hand weights. It depends on what kind of equipment you need and what kind of equipment you will be using.

3. Be creative. Do you have a can of soup? Then you have a dumbbell. Using the resources around you is not only good for your routine, but it will also save you some money. You can even use your own body weight to do various resistance exercises that help increase your strength.

4. Embrace the outdoors. There are many activities that you can do outside that can be fun and safe. Walking, running and even going outside to play with your kids or walk your dog are great ways to integrate exercise into your life.

5. Maintain a support system. Whether you need a friend to train with or someone to help you stay motivated, support can help you stick to your new routine.

6. Change your routine. Not only can adding a mix to your workouts help prevent injury, it can also add some "zip" to your routine. The more fun you have, the more likely you are to stick with it. Changing a routine also gives you the chance to train different parts of your body.

7. Realize that weight loss won't happen overnight. Weight loss of one to two pounds per week is a realistic expectation, but it will take time to see results. Instead of just paying attention to the numbers on the scale, focus on how your clothes feel, how your resting heart rate drops, and how you generally have more energy.

So turn on the TV and hop on the elliptical machine in the comfort of your own home, or put on your sneakers and run around with the kids. Most importantly, just make sure you take the time to do it.