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My 4 Tips for Eating Organic WITHOUT Breaking the Bank.

My 4 Tips for Eating Organic WITHOUT Breaking the Bank.

If you think organic products are more expensive than conventional products, you are totally right.

But it is still possible to eat organic without breaking the bank by following my 4 tips.

A while ago I decided to switch to a healthier and more environmentally friendly diet.

To get there, I had to change my habits a bit, but really, the game is worth the effort!

1. I Eat Local and Seasonal

In particular by joining several AMAP (Associations for the Maintenance of Peasant Agriculture). Thus, I do not pay transport, packaging and distribution costs. I can taste healthy and seasonal products, and I help a farmer to make a better living from his work.

My favorite farmers (Stéphane, Cathy and Bérangère) provide me with fruits, vegetables, meats, oils, pasta, lentils, white beans and cheeses. Not bad right?

2. I buy less to stop wasting

Did you know that the French throw away 1.2 million tons of food a year? I avoid this mess by planning my meals. I am also reducing my meat consumption, by stopping eating it at all meals. I only eat it for lunch, and I sometimes replace it with protein-rich foods such as eggs, lentils, white beans or chickpeas.

3. I cook

Processed organic products are the most expensive, and not necessarily very good. So I spend a little more time in the kitchen to lower the bill and prepare dishes to my taste (well, to the taste of my children especially…). So, I know what they contain and I enjoy it for less!

4. I Compare with the Bio of Private label and Discount brands

Discount stores and distributor brands (Auchan, Leclerc, etc.) offer organic products, benefiting from the AB label, at often more affordable prices (don't hesitate to compare anyway, I happened to have surprises). So why deprive yourself of it?

Do you have any other tips for eating organic without breaking the bank? Come and share them in the comments!