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Silk'n Tightra:reducing vaginal complaints without surgery

With the Silk'n Tightra you can tighten and restore your vagina, without the need for surgery. Unfortunately, it is still a taboo to talk about it and with this review I want to contribute to breaking this taboo. There are few women who say out loud that they suffer from loss of urine after their pregnancies, for example. Yet it is not so strange when you consider what all changes in your body during this period. By having children, but also by hormonal changes during the menopause, your vagina can change drastically and that makes many women insecure.

I myself gave birth via the normal route (with Luc) and via caesarean section (with Lotte). Even after one normal delivery, I already suffer from leakage of urine in certain situations. Fortunately, not when there is nothing special, but when I have to laugh hard, sneeze, cough or have to exert a lot of force (for example, when lifting heavy), I notice that my pelvic floor muscles are no longer as before. In addition, I am also early in the menopause and as a result I also notice changes. Not only in the area of ​​urine loss, but also in the area of ​​pleasant, painless sex. Everything is not what it used to be.

Fortunately, the Silk'n Tightra can change both aspects and I was happy to test it extensively for this review.

You can buy the Silk'n Tightra online here

Table of Contents

Silk'n Tightra review – a test to-tighten the vagina without surgery to make

I am very happy that I was able to test the Silk'n Tightra, because to be honest, undergoing vaginal surgery, that would go a bit too far for me. Then I prefer to deal with the inconveniences. But in this case the latter is no longer necessary either, because reviewing the Silk'n Tightra has clearly shown that my discomforts are decreasing.

My-complaints I want to treat with the Silk'n Tightra:

  • light loss of urine in certain situations
  • sensitivity during sex through the menopause

In addition to the above complaints, you can also obtain a possible external improvement in the appearance of your vulva by using the Silk'n Tightra. I don't feel the need for this more cosmetic approach myself, but if I can reduce or maybe even make my discomforts disappear by restoring the pelvic floor muscles, I'm very happy with that.

Using Silk'n Tightra for physical or cosmetic reasons

Of course there are also women who think from a cosmetic point of view, although drooping labia can also be annoying and can cause pain when cycling, for example. Whether you do it for physical reasons, or because you are no longer happy with the way your vulva looks:with the Silk'n Tightra you can repair your vulva without having to go under the knife. Below you can also see the experience story of another user.

Silk'n Tightra and its use

The female body is arguably one of the greatest wonders of the world. A birth, or the menopause… that is an attack on your body. Have you also had vaginal problems? And would you like to do something about it? Then the Silk'n Tightra might be something for you.

How does it work?

With the Silk'n Tightra you can tighten your vagina without having to go to a clinic. You can easily do it yourself, at home. This not only provides convenience, but is also very nice in terms of privacy.

The device works on the basis of energy from bipolar radiofrequency, and it strengthens the inside and outside of the vagina and the pelvic floor muscles. There are 16 built-in heat sensors, gold and silver. The gold colored ones work inside your vagina and the silver ones are for any external treatment.

Before you can get started with your first treatment, you need to charge the Silk'n Tightra. That takes about 6 hours. Then put some Silk'n Intimate Gel on it (included) and gently insert it.

It is also important that you clean it after every treatment and put it on the charger. This way you are guaranteed a charged and hygienic Tightra for the next session, with which you can finish an entire session.

Silk'n Tightra gel and energy levels

Apply the included Silk'n Intimate Gel to the heat sensors to ensure good energy conduction before using the Silk'n Tightra. By the way, you start at the lowest energy level to get used to using the Silk'n Tightra. You can then switch to a higher level.

It is most convenient to just relax in bed during the session and watch some netflix, for example 😉 . During an internal treatment, you insert the Silk'n Tightra into your vagina and every now and then you turn the Tightra around a bit to ensure that the conduction continues to go well. A session lasts 20 minutes.

In the beginning I was a bit tense about the heat, afraid that it would be sensitive, but fortunately that turns out not to be the case. You can feel it, but it doesn't hurt. In fact, just really nice.

Stronger pelvic floor muscles

In any case, strengthening your pelvic floor muscles is always a good idea! It facilitates your delivery, but also ensures better sex and reduces the risk of urine loss. With the Silk'n Tightra you get a handy device for this.

During the treatment, the vaginal tissue is renewed and blood flow is increased. New elastin and collagen fibers are also formed, which tightens the skin. The pelvic floor muscles become stronger.

How fast do you get results?

For noticeable results, 8 sessions of 20 minutes are needed, spread over four weeks. For optimal results, do not interrupt the sessions early, but complete them completely.

After three weeks of use I already have the idea that it does something for my pelvic floor muscles. Recently, for example, I started kickboxing and during the training sessions I have to exert quite a bit of force when punching. That is now possible without loss of urine, which is so nice!

You order the Silk'n Tightra here

What's in the Silk'n Tightra package?

If you would like to use the Silk'n Tightra yourself to reduce your complaints, you can count on a device that can also be stored beautifully and practically. You can also store the tube with gel in the purple case that contains the Tightra. It also contains the charger, cable and user manual.

The case is just sitting on my bedside table and I don't see any reason to put it away as it looks pretty nice that way! If you want to read more about vaginal complaints after childbirth, read this article by fellow blogger Sandra.