Family Best Time >> Health

Also pay attention to the 20-20-2 rule when using screen

As you know, I spend quite a few hours in front of a screen. First of all, of course, because of my work as a blogger where I do a lot of writing on the computer, but I also like to relax with a screen in the evening. Nice netflix on the couch for example 😉 . Now I think it is always important to make the children aware of their screen use, but I can actually be a bit more aware of this myself.

I think it is especially important during this period to keep an eye on our screen use. We are now faced with the facts because the children also have to learn at home, with much of that learning taking place online. Super handy of course, but it does require a lot from the eyes. So keep an eye on the 20-20-2 rule, especially now!

Did you know, for example, that there are also options to protect your eyes while working with a laptop or computer? Working less is not an option for me yet, haha, but taking better care of myself (and my children) is of course possible. And the 20-20-2 rule is certainly part of that.

Table of Contents

Tips for better screen use

In fact, I am well aware that my work - despite the fact that it is super fun - also has some drawbacks. One is that with a sedentary job you simply move too little. And another is that my eyes get overstimulated a bit faster. The result of my frequent screen use. But actually I never thought about the fact that I can actually do something about this myself. Except of course move more in between, get a cup of tea every now and then (away from the screen for a while) and walk the dog extensively three times a day.

The 20-20-2 rule, do you know it?

Do you already know the 20-20-2 rule? Especially in this time of a lot of working from home and learning, this rule is important to keep an eye on.

  • Look at your screen for a maximum of 20 minutes
  • Then stare into the distance for 20 seconds
  • Playing outside for 2 hours a day (for the kids 😉 ) or being active

The latter does not only apply to children, by the way. It is also very important for adults to seek out natural light in the open air, for example by taking a walk in the meantime.

With this screen quiz you also find out what is important for you to keep an eye on.

Why the 20-20-2 rule is so important

It is not very easy to stare away from your screen after 20 minutes, but it is important. When we look at something up close, it is presented differently on our retina than something we see in the distance. When something is closer, the eye has to make an effort, the lens becomes more convex to be able to project sharply. Your eye would rather not. If your eye looks further, it has to make less effort and that is more pleasant.

Tips for your eyes:

  • Take 50-70 centimeters away from your screen
  • Work with the Pomodoro technique, it is not only good for your eyes but also for your productivity
  • Use a blue light filter to protect your eyes

The latter, I've never thought about that before, while I've actually spent my entire life behind the PC and therefore have an above-average screen use compared to a lot of other people. For example, a blue light filter in your glasses ensures that the blue light is neutralized. This gives your eyes more rest while reading and you will also get tired and/or burning eyes less quickly during the day.

Now I wear lenses during the day, but I can just put nice glasses near my computer with glasses with a blue light filter in them. This gives my eyes more rest, I don't need prescription lenses and I don't have to wear my glasses all day, but only when I'm working.

Apply the-pomodoro-technique for your screen use

To protect your eyes against frequent screen use, you can apply the Pomodoro technique when you are sitting in front of your PC. This technique is based on working for 25 minutes and then taking a 5 minute break. This one is a bit like the 20-20 rule, isn't it? This can be remembered, for example, by using the Tomato Timer. After 4 blocks with a short break you take at least a bigger break.

What about the screen-use of the rest of the family anyway?

As a mother of a teenager and an adolescent, I naturally not only think about my own eyes, but I also want the eyes of my children to be well cared for. Lotte recently did an online eye test to see if she still sees well, and we regularly visit the optician and optometrist to have everything checked. But I hadn't really thought about the screen use yet. It is important to keep this in mind now that they also take online classes at home.

Of course I try to encourage the children to do something different on a regular basis, and it works well with my girl. But let's face it… a 16-year-old boy has different ideas about how to spend his time than his mother 😉 . He likes nothing more than to play games or watch videos. His screen use -when he is not at school- is even more frequent than mine and his eyes could also receive some extra protection.

With him I also did the screen quiz , because at that age they always take more from someone else (read:the internet) than from their own parents, don't they? This shows that he - even though he is a lot younger than me - would be wise to wear glasses with relax view lenses and a blue light filter while gaming. We are therefore looking for some nice frames. For him, for me and for his father. In this way we at least ensure that our eyes are better protected.

Other-time-use besides-screen use

In addition, it has become even more clear to me how important it is that the children also take a good walk with the dog every day, regularly help with cleaning up and cooking and also take care of the goats and pigs a little more. . That variety is not only good for their eyes, but also good for my free time 😉 .

What about your screen usage? Do you also spend hours in front of a PC for work, or are you also a true netflixer or social media user? Take the online eye test and find out what state your eyes are in.

What else I'm going to do about my screen-time

In addition to the fact that glasses are sensible for me, I have also come to realize something else:it is time that I try to relax in a different way in my evenings. No sitting on the couch and watching screens, but just being busy with my hands. A little more work on my bullet journal for example or painting together with Lotte.

In collaboration with Pearle Opticiens.