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How to have a healthy and purified home

How to have a healthy and purified home

Between dust mites, humidity, pollutants in cleaning products or in furniture, maintaining healthy air in your home can seem like an impossible mission. Unless you know the effective solutions to purify your interior.

Indoor pollution:amazing figures

We spend an average of 9.5 hours a day in our accommodation. With confinement, this time has more than doubled. The problem is that the air in our home sweet home can be up to 5 times more polluted than the outside air.

Whose fault is it ? Study finds that vinyl floors, cleaning products, cosmetics, humidity, cooking food, furniture materials and even our breathing are the root of poor indoor air quality [1].

Air pollution that affects our health

According to the WHO, 48,000 French people die each year from stroke, ischemic heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), lung cancer and pneumonia due to indoor pollution.

How to clean the air at home?

Tips for breathing healthier air at home. Want to know which ones? Follow the guide.

Avoid carpets and curtains

Dust mites are responsible for rhinitis and conjunctivitis which can really ruin our lives. The main risk with these critters is to develop allergies and asthma attacks. For a healthy interior, avoid rugs, cushions, carpets and drapes. And if you can't do without it, vacuuming 2 to 3 times a week is the best preventive measure to preserve your health. Be aware that tests have proven that steam cleaning is more effective than shampooing with water. Now might be the time to invest in a steamer!

Aerate at least 10 minutes a day

Molds and mites, the cause of respiratory diseases and allergies, love poorly ventilated homes. Opening the windows for 10 minutes 2 to 3 times a day is enough to bring in fresh, healthy air without cooling the whole household. In winter, remember to turn off the heating to avoid unnecessary waste.

Assemble your furniture outside

New chipboard or laminated furniture emits formaldehyde, a carcinogen, for several weeks. If possible, unpack your boxes outside, in the garden, the garage, or on the balcony. Wait a few weeks to assemble and install your furniture in a room of your house. Pediatricians even recommend preparing a baby's room 3 months before birth!

Forget industrial air fresheners

Say goodbye to your favorite Madagascar Vanilla Scent! These home fragrances pollute indoor air by emitting a VOC, a volatile organic compound that irritates mucous membranes and is highly allergenic. Instead, use essential oils to clean the air in your home.

Our natural fresh air freshener recipe

In an empty bottle, mix 40 drops of Grapefruit essential oil, 20 drops of Ravintsara essential oil, 20 drops of Eucalyptus Globulus essential oil, 20 drops of Lemon essential oil. Plug, spray the whole house.

Stop the dust

In order to reduce fine particles and other allergens in the atmosphere, dust the surfaces at least once a week using a microfiber cloth (and without cleaning product). Take advantage of a great spring cleaning to remove less accessible dust.

Maintaining VMCs

To avoid causing the humidity level in your home to explode, do not obstruct the air inlets and the extraction vents. Also remember to clean them regularly with a damp sponge. You will avoid the risk of mould.

Choose products with an environmental label

Consume responsibly by choosing furniture, paints, glues and cleaning products bearing the "NF environment" or "European Ecolabel" labels. Made of healthy materials, these products are both durable and good for your health.

A free tool to track toxic products

60 million consumers provides you with a online tool to learn about risky ingredients in 77 products we use regularly.

Concocting homemade cleaning products

Sanitizing your home with natural products is healthy, easy and economical. Among the musts to have in your cupboards:vinegar, baking soda, soda crystals, black soap, essential oils, lemon juice, linseed oil. Last tip:test on a small part of the surface to be cleaned, as some materials are damaged if unsuitable products are used.

You will find easy recipes on Aromazone, Galipoli or even

Here you are now with a cleansed and purified interior. Breathe, and enjoy your cocoon in complete serenity!

[1] A study by the University of Washington (USA)