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Train your pelvic floor muscles against urine loss and for better sex

Training your pelvic floor muscles is very important if you want to keep your pelvic floor strong and do not want to suffer from unwanted urine loss later in life or urine loss after your pregnancy. You can train your pelvic floor muscles with the tips below, but also with fun toys. An additional advantage of training your pelvic floor muscles in this way… it improves your sex life!

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Exercise pelvic-floor-muscles and-improve-your-sex-life

“Whaaaahahaha, I'm peeing in my pants!” you yell at your girlfriend laughing during the giggles. Although it is often said as a joke, for many women, urine loss is sometimes bittersweet. Losing a little urine during the giggles or even while sneezing can indicate a weakened pelvic floor. Training your pelvic floor muscles ensures a stronger pelvic floor that you will benefit from for a long time.

When do you start training your pelvic floor?

You don't really think about your pelvic floor in the first decades of your life. Many women only pay attention to it in the months before delivery or when there are problems. Fortunately, it's never too late to get started.

It's important to keep your pelvic floor strong and healthy, but how do you actually do that? We'll give you some simple tips to help you, but first we'll look at why training your pelvic floor muscles is so important.

What is the importance of your pelvic floor?

Your pelvic floor is made up of muscles at the bottom of your pelvis. These muscles support the organs in your lower abdomen, such as your intestines and uterus. You use the muscles of your pelvic floor more often than you think:during a visit to the toilet, for example, and during sex.

Weakened pelvic floor muscles

Over the years, your pelvic floor can weaken. For example, due to childbirth, hormones or simply because you are getting older † Training your pelvic floor muscles then becomes important because when your pelvic floor is weakened, you have less control over the muscles and ligaments in the pelvic floor. And that can lead to unpleasant problems such as loss of urine, prolapse of the lower abdominal organs, sexual problems (such as pain during sex) and difficulty with bowel movements.

It is therefore very important that you keep your pelvic floor strong by means of so-called Kegel exercises and you can not start early enough.


With the tips below you can train your pelvic floor muscles and prevent unwanted urine loss. In addition, you increase the pleasure in your sex life. The Silk'n Tightra can also help with vaginal complaints.

1. Know what you are training, where are your pelvic floor muscles?

Before you start training your pelvic floor muscles, you need to know exactly which muscle you need. To learn to feel your pelvic floor, you can lie on your back on the floor, pull your knees up and place your hands on your stomach or knees. Inhale slowly and hold the breath for a while as your vagina and anus close. Then relax and do the exercise again. Repeat the exercise ten times.

2. Pretend you're pulling a zipper

In this exercise you have to imagine that you are wearing pants that are way too tight and that you have to pull the zipper closed. We all know that moment, right? Lie on your back, pull your knees up and place your hands next to your body. Inhale slowly until your belly rises. When you exhale, pull your pelvic floor up from your tailbone. Now's the time to pretend you're pulling that zipper. Make sure your tailbone stays in contact with the floor. Then relax again. Repeat this ten times to train your pelvic floor muscles.

3. Hold your breath

Do the same as in exercise two, but make sure you hold your breath for a count of three when 'the zipper' is closed. Also use three breaths to relax. So you now relax in three phases.

4. Train your pelvic floor muscles in three

Again, tip 2 is the basis, but now you make sure that the run-up is also divided into three phases. So divide the lifting of your pelvic floor into three phases with number 3 being the highest point. Hold your breath in between each phase and then move on to the next phase. After the three phases, you hold your breath again and relax your body again in three phases.

5. On hands and knees

Get on your hands and knees and make sure your hips are above your knees. Then pull up your pelvic floor and gently move your buttocks back. Concentrate on your pelvic floor. Does it remain tense during the movement? Then you're doing it right. If you feel that your pelvic floor is loosening, simply start training your pelvic floor muscles again.

6. Snack

You can easily fit the following exercise into your daily life. For example, while shopping or at the office. Rotate your heels slightly toward each other and tighten your pelvic floor muscles. Then start walking. Try to keep your muscles tense while walking. Each time you do this exercise, increase the distance in which you do this a little. For example, start with one shop window and keep it up until the third shop window. Or use it when you go to the office to get a cup of coffee. This way you can train your pelvic floor muscles at many daily moments.

Start Kegel exercises today because you can have a lot of fun if your pelvic floor stays nice and firm. At least you can catch up with your girlfriend at your leisure without being afraid of the giggles. And an additional advantage:your sex life will improve considerably!