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Getting in shape with a fitness hoop, Franziska knows all about it

Franziska responded to my article I wrote about moving more and eating less. She is completely enthusiastic about her fitness hoop, which is why I asked her about her experiences. With the fitness hoop and with weight loss in general. You can read her story below.

Table of Contents

Franziska loses more than 23 kg, lose weight through a fitness hoop

As women, we secretly have a tendency to strive for perfection. I recognize myself in this:both privately and professionally. Be well prepared, both substantively and on the outside. Always well-groomed, my outfit well-matched, nails painted… and then my day can start under the guise of “Love the skin you're in.”

When I was pregnant for the first time I gained 23 kg

When I was 12 weeks pregnant a good friend of mine said  “Oh yes, wait, but soon you won't care anymore! Then you also walk around like a mother, you have lost your size 34, you are completely exhausted and your nails are no longer painted. In addition, you rush into your appointment with the snot on your shoulder † This triggered me and I am still incredibly grateful to that friend for that.

Because I was convinced that this was not going to happen to me. I thought, I will prevent this by exercising (with a fitness hoop) and watching my diet during pregnancy. I really did not want to gain more than 12 kg. I was 20 weeks pregnant and already gained 10 kg. In addition, I was tired and I didn't have much energy left to exercise after work. But the food tasted good and before I knew it I was 'so' 23 kg heavier. In the end, that turned out to be good for that little girl in my tummy. Apparently we both needed it. But then it had to happen, losing weight with fitness hoop.

Lose weight with fitness hoop, and be addicted to it

Fortunately, once that little girl was there and I was breastfeeding, the pounds flew off just as quickly as they came on. At the time I did pay attention to healthy food and adjusted my eating pattern with pure food. No e-numbers and few artificial sugars. Besides that I also enjoyed carpaccio and sushi. And every now and then a prosecco or a glass of wine, if that came out after breastfeeding.

Because I just felt fit and had energy, I enjoyed the nice weather and went for a walk for an hour every day. When the first 6 weeks were over and I was allowed to start exercising again, the fitness hoop was my best friend and my new addiction.

What is special about a fitness hoop?

The fitness hoop is a hoop that is heavier, thicker and larger than a normal hoop. This makes it easier to keep the fitness hoop up. Due to the increased weight, you activate your core muscles while hula hooping. Once you are in motion, you train all your core muscles, so it is a perfect and cheap alternative to an elliptical trainer. In addition, it is easy to use when your child is in the box. Or, for example, while watching TV.

Start slow with the fitness hoop

Pay attention! You really have to build it up slowly because it is painful at first and can make you bruise. So start with 5 minutes and build up slowly. What can also help is a corsage or belt. After all, your muscles have to find their way back. Before you know it, you'll be hooked on the fitness hoop and hooping the entire episode of "The Sinner," just like me. Bet you can lose weight with such a fitness hoop?

Which fitness hoop do you choose for weight loss?

You have various hoops that you can start with. There are so-called soft hoops that are completely smooth on the inside and therefore give less chance of bruising. The fitness hoop that is provided with bubbles on the inside seems to be good for your blood circulation and therefore also for the removal of your waste products.

When purchasing your fitness hoop, you should also pay attention to which size and weight you choose. That depends on your own body. The hoops are available with a weight of 0.9 kilos to 3 kilos. Looking at your own weight you arrive at approximately this:

A fitness hoop for beginners:

  • up to 65 kg of your own weight, grab a hoop with a weight of approximately 1.2 kg
  • from 65-85 kg own weight you grab a fitness hoop with the weight of about 1.4 kilos
  • above 85 kg own weight you take a hoop with a weight of about 1.8 kg

A fitness hoop for advanced users:

  • up to 65 kg of your own weight, grab a hoop with a weight of approximately 1.4 kg
  • from 65-85 kg own weight you take a hoop with the weight of about 1.8 kilos
  • above 85 kg own weight you take a hoop with a weight of about 2.3 kilos

You can search online at various webshops, but also has a complete collection.

What should you keep in mind when hula hooping?

Would you also like to get started and lose weight with a fitness hoop? Then stick to the guidelines below.

  1. Watch your attitude. You put one foot forward so that your pelvis comes forward. Back straight and shoulders just hanging down.
  2. Move your hip from front to back. This causes the hoop to rotate. When you move forward you give some extra power so that the fitness hoop keeps turning.
  3. Start with a few minutes a day and build up slowly if you feel you can do it.
  4. If you get the hang of it and you succeed without thinking, you can start making all kinds of passes. Or, for example, just keep your arms up so that you train them too.
  5. Alternate with the leg that is in front. You still use other muscles that you train.

Do you want to get some inspiration and be happy with this special hoop? Check out this video!

Bio detox cure after breastfeeding

When my little girl was on the fruit and vegetable snack and I stopped breastfeeding, I did another shortened biodetox course. This lasted 12 days and I started this to detoxify my body, to get my hormones up to scratch and to speed up my digestion. Meanwhile, my little girl was one year old and I had energy for ten. In addition, I was tighter in my skin than ever before! Yes, I even had a six-pack #inthepocket #bucketlistcheck.

Pregnant with number two

Then we got married and I got a nice wedding present. Pregnant with a son and 26 kg added. Breastfeeding was a little less successful this time. I found it extremely frustrating that I could offer my son less than my daughter at the time.

In addition, I also noticed that not being able to breastfeed had a greater impact on the recovery of my body. I tried to find my peace and balance in walking and sports. Luckily my muscles could still remember where they once were 😉 . Within six months and a detox cure further, my muscles were visible again and I also lost these 26 kg. YES. But I'm not quite in shape yet. I still have some loose skin and my six-pack is still absent.

But I do have a goal:to get energy, have fun and stay comfortable in my own skin. And the fitness hoop helps me with that. The fitness hoop remains my best friend, it is a good and easy alternative to fitness at home and it can even be taken on holiday.

My 10 Tips to stay in shape as an enterprising mom with a busy schedule:

  • Be proud of yourself and that miracle you have brought into the world.
  • Consider all the small steps.
  • Eat consciously and pure.
  • Keep your goal in mind and believe that it will work.
  • Do not forbid yourself anything and also enjoy the wines and chocolates, but in moderation.
  • You don't run out of time, because you can do hooping in front of the box while you are entertaining your little one in the box.
  • No excuses why you can't go to the gym, the fitness hoop can be taken anywhere and is easy to store.
  • You can even have a glass of wine in your hand, while watching your favorite series on Netflix?.
  • Walking also works wonders.
  • Focus on your strong features and try to cover up the lesser ones.

Cheers and see you soon then I would like to tell you how I combine motherhood with entrepreneurship. Love from an enterprising mom who wants to make life easier for ambitious moms at work!