Family Best Time >> Health

New health insurance? How to choose the right one for you and your child(ren)

As a working mom, there are plenty of things to keep busy and balls in the air every day. Of course we don't have to tell you that. And in the busy month of December, there is an extra boost. Then you are not only busy with all the holidays, but it is also time to take another look at health insurance. Because which health insurance is right for you and me? This is different for everyone and can also vary from year to year. How do you choose the right health insurance policy for you and your family? We'll explain it to you!

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Which health insurance plan suits me best?

Because your private situation changes every year, your health insurance may suddenly no longer suit you. In order to find out which health insurance is best for you, there are a number of things you should take into account. Below are a few tips to choose the best health insurance policy for your situation.

Insure your children

As you may already know, your children are co-insured up to the age of 18 on the policy of their parents. Until then, you do not pay any premium or deductible for them, because you insure them for free. This does not happen automatically when they are born. You must add your child to your own health insurance within four months after birth. If you do not do this, you will pay the healthcare costs that your child may incur during that period. They are often on the mother's policy, but only if this is the most extensive is this also sensible.

Our situation will change again for the coming year, because Luc will be 18 next year. Even though in recent years we have always looked at which health insurance suits us best, we also have to look again at my health insurance and the children who attend. Because Luc will only be 18 in October, it may not be very crucial yet, but it can still pay off to compare the health insurance policies.

Which health insurance policy suits me best and should I take out additional insurance?

Most healthcare costs for your child are covered by the basic insurance, but there are a number of exceptions. Such as orthodontics, floppy ear correction, ADHD medication, orthotics or glasses (see paragraph below). If you want to be reimbursed for this care for your child, you as a parent must take out additional health insurance for this. So keep this in mind when you look at health insurance policies for the new year. With regard to orthodontics, your dentist will often point it out to you, but keep an eye on it yourself.

Make sure that the premium does not cost more than the healthcare itself. In some cases this may be the case and in that case it is better to pay for it yourself of course. But the fact remains that with the above exceptions, it is generally best to reconsider which health insurance policy suits you (and me).

Reimbursement of children's glasses

Glasses for children are only reimbursed to a very limited extent from the basic insurance. If you as a parent have additional insurance for this, your child can also benefit from this. But for some medical indications, glasses for children up to the age of 18 are reimbursed from the basic insurance:

  • In case of poor vision due to injury or medical condition
  • In strabismus
  • After surgery for lens aberration
  • With strong cylinder formation from 4 diopters
  • With a deviation of more than 10 diopters
  • If you are very nearsighted (more than -6 diopters)

You do pay a personal contribution of 59 euros per lens, but no deductible. In all other cases, you may well be able to use health insurance with additional insurance, so check that to be sure.

Tips to take out health insurance

In addition to the above, the following tips may also help you choose the right health insurance policy for you and your family. And to make it easy:you can compare and take out your health insurance. That is very nice, of course, because if you are wondering 'which health insurance policy suits me best?' and you have to go through everything yourself… that is quite a task.

  • Take a critical look at your care wishes for the coming year:do you still need all those physio treatments? Is the dental insurance comprehensive enough or do you only go for a check-up? Are there plans to expand a family or not and are you thinking about sterilization?
  • Do not put your entire family on the same policy by default. It is possible that you and your partner have completely different care needs. This prevents you from being over- or under-insured. Keep that in mind.