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Low energy? Try these quick energy boosts

Low energy? Try these quick energy boosts

Floored by an energy dip? Don't immediately reach for your coffee or sweet snack, but try one of these quick, but much more effective tips.


Breakfast is the most important meal of your day, the ancient claim is. Opinions are divided on this, but there are some positive facts about a good breakfast. People who eat breakfast are said to have a more stable diet throughout the day, for example. A nutritious breakfast would also set the tone for your energy level that day. Besides, it is not necessarily true that breakfast always boosts your metabolism. It mainly depends on what you eat. According to Harvard researchers, a perfect breakfast consists of healthy proteins, slowly digestible carbohydrates and fruits or vegetables. Think of a vegetable omelette with whole wheat toast or a green smoothie.

Drink water

Are you in an energy slump? Then check whether you have actually had enough to drink. Dehydration makes you feel tired and it's surprisingly easy not to stick to your minimal daily water intake. hold. You have about 35 ml. water per kilogram of body weight per day, so do the math.

Power nap

The power nap is a classic, but comes in all shapes and sizes. The old school power nap is between 20 and 30 minutes, long enough to feel fit again, but short enough not to get that crumpled feeling. The best time is between 12:30 PM and 2:00 PM, so you don't disrupt your sleep schedule. Have you really not slept at night? According to NASA experts, a 90-minute power nap is effective (to a degree!) in making up for your lack of sleep. During this time you go through an entire sleep cycle. In addition, there are other forms of deep relaxation, where you do not sleep but which do give you an energy boost during the day. For example yoga nidra and meditation.

Give your brain a break

A tired brain can also give you the physical feeling that the energy is flowing out of you. It doesn't help that we constantly have distractions and that our brain more or less expects us to receive a new stimulus every second. In this way, your brain is continuously 'on', even if it is only because of that one app or that short conversation. Therefore, as often as you can, take half an hour (or less, everything helps) in total silence:all screens off, phone on airplane mode, noise canceling headphones (without music!), no talking. After 15 minutes your brain goes into focus mode and you feel a lot fresher.

Have a hand of notes

In addition to a bottle of water, also put a bag of unsalted nuts on your desk. When you become lethargic, you may be tempted to pull out the first snack. Snacking is okay, but choose something that actually gives you more energy in the long run, with little sugar. A handful of nuts, for example, contains magnesium and folic acid, which are essential for your energy balance.

Get in the cold shower

This is self-explanatory, but also has other advantages than being awake in one fell swoop. Cold showers are great for your immune system, mood, skin and hair, just to name a few benefits.