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Are you nauseous? Then massage these pressure points on your body

Are you nauseous? Then massage these pressure points on your body

There's nothing more annoying than a fit of nausea, followed by a panicked "am I going to throw up?" thought. Whatever the cause of your nausea, massage these three acupressure points to relieve your nausea quickly.

Nausea can have many causes. Of course eating certain foods, morning sickness or pregnancy, but also the stress of doom scrolling , an important online meeting or a new date. Whatever it is, we all know that slight panic feeling that comes with a fit of nausea:you want nothing more than to get your stomach back under control quickly.

Energy flows

Just like acupuncture, acupressure comes from ancient China and is intended to keep the energy flows in your body in balance and to combat ailments. There are hundreds of pressure points on your body that are all connected to meridians, energy flows that are in contact with certain organs. With acupressure, you massage your acupuncture points, instead of inserting needles. For example, have you ever rubbed the small hollow between your eyebrows without thinking when you were tense? Then you have intuitively used acupressure before. Because no needles or other means are involved, you can apply it everywhere yourself. We share the two most important pressure points to combat nausea with you.

P6 (also called Pericardium 6 or Nei Guan)

It sounds like a Harry Potter spell, and if we are to believe the experts, it also works magically against vomiting and nausea:Pericardium 6. You'll find this pressure point on the inside of your wrist, in the middle of the two palpable tendons. Grab your wrist and massage this pressure point with your thumb.

ST36 (Stomach 36 or Zusanli)

Sit down and place your palm on your kneecap. Where your little finger is now on your shin is the pressure point ST36, which is on the stomach meridian. Applying pressure to this point relieves stress and nausea.