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Can it really hurt to crack your knuckles?

Can it really hurt to crack your knuckles?

If you're always the one snapping her fingers and knuckles everywhere, you've probably heard someone say, "Don't, it'll give you arthritis." But what is the real effect of the snapping? Can it hurt?

This is why knuckles crack

About 25 to 45% of people seem to crack their knuckles regularly. Some do it because it can relieve tension in your fingers and hands, others like the sound or see it as a distraction when they're stressed. But why are those knuckles actually cracking?

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That's because your knuckles are protected by a capsule that contains synovial fluid, which contains nutrients, and which oils your joints. When you crack your knuckles, the negative pressure in your joints can temporarily create a variety of gases, including nitrogen and carbon dioxide. This forms a bubble that makes a popping sound when it pops. You may also hear a snapping sound from the tendons and ligaments that slide around the joint as you snap.

Can it cause arthritis?

Although it is always said, this does not appear to be the case, according to research. It could have other side effects, but that depends on the symptoms you develop afterwards. As long as you don't suffer from swelling, pain or limited mobility, there is basically nothing to worry about. There was talk that the snapping might cause your hands to function less well because of the decrease in strength in your hands, but that has been rejected by research. In fact, it has even been shown that snapping can increase mobility. So there's no harm in cracking! So it is smart to make sure that it does not hurt, your hands do not swell or you cannot use your fingers as well, because then it is wise to pay a visit to the doctor… And keep in mind:cracking has an addictive effect!
