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Do you drink too much coffee? You can drink that many cups

Do you drink too much coffee? You can drink that many cups

How many cups of coffee do you drink in a day? And is that too much or not? And does that differ per person? Santé answers.

There are so many types of coffee that it is impossible to say that all coffee is good or bad for you. Some varieties contain cholesterol-raising substances, such as cafestol and kahweol. In addition, there is natural caffeine in coffee, which gives an invigorating effect. But if you drink too much of it, you can suffer from restlessness, anxiety, headaches and sleeping problems. Coffee also temporarily raises your blood pressure.

What is too much?

What exactly is too much varies from person to person. In general, healthy adults can drink about 400 mg of caffeine (about four cups) per day without any negative effects.


If you find that you don't like caffeine, you can try decaffeinated coffee. However, that is not always a healthier choice. The coffee beans must first be decaffeinated and sometimes a chemical is used for this that remains in the coffee in small quantities. Even then, decaffeinated coffee still contains about 2 to 4 mg of caffeine.

Read also:Can I drink coffee when I'm pregnant?

Source:Santé January 2020, text:Mara Ruijter Photo:Getty Images