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3 possible causes of bleeding between your periods

3 possible causes of bleeding between your periods

Hardly any woman looks forward to having her period every month. But when that misery is over, it is extra annoying if you also have blood loss in the meantime.


Some women may experience some bleeding around or during ovulation. If it is difficult for you to say whether this is the case and you do not fully trust it, please contact your doctor.

Also read:'5 things you need to know about sex during your period'


Just as you can get a tension headache from being under pressure for a long time, not feeling well or, for example, having complaints from not being sick enough after a flu or a bad cold, stress can cause your hormone balance to fluctuate. And that can lead to interim blood loss.


Intermediate bleeding can also be caused by polyps or other abnormalities in the uterine cavity or abnormalities in the cervix. Of course this cannot be seen 1, 2, 3, so if you continue to have complaints and if you yourself have the idea that something may be wrong, please contact your doctor.