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6 facts about farts

6 facts about farts

It's a bit of a taboo topic:farting… Did you know that we on average fart about 15 a day? And that a woman's fart stinks more than a man's?

1. We fart on average 15 per day

We fart most of the time at night. When our muscles are relaxed, it's easier to let one slip.

2. Farts contribute to global warming

This is due to the substance methane that is released when you fart. The substance is twenty times more harmful than carbon dioxide.

Read also: 'Do you dare to let go of your breath in front of your partner?'

3. Female farts stink more

Women have more sulfur in their bodies, which makes their farts more smelly than a man's.

4. You mainly fart through swallowed air

Only ten percent of the gas in your gut is produced in your gut. The rest is caused by swallowed air.

5. The sound of a fart is created by your sphincter

Is your sphincter tensed or relaxed when you fart? The shape of your sphincter determines the sound your fart makes.

6. It takes about 30 hours for gas to leave your body

Before gas leaves your body, it has to pass through one and a half meters of the large intestine and eight meters of the small intestine.