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Facts about morning rituals

Facts about morning rituals

Turn off the alarm, have breakfast, shower, get dressed. Although we mostly do the same things in the morning, everyone has their own morning ritual.

Ikea researched the morning rituals of residents in 8 major cities:Berlin, London, Moscow, Mumbai, New York, Paris, Shanghai and Stockholm. Some funny facts about morning rituals:

Snooze or not?
40 percent get out of bed without snoozing. 22 percent snooze once, while 13 percent even hit the snooze button three times or more.

Start slow or get off to a flying start?
55 percent of people start the day quickly. The rest prefer to start the day slowly.

Cuddle and sex
8 percent cuddle in bed in the morning and 4 percent have sex.

67 percent of people start the day with breakfast. Almost half of the breakfast people eat breakfast together with someone else.

Slightly less than half of the people take a shower in the morning.

And further…
– 28 percent watch TV in the morning. 25 percent check social media.
– 25 percent of people with a partner talk to their partner in the morning.
– 20 percent of women don't get ready before going out.
– The more often people snooze, the more stressed they are when they get up.
– 30 percent give someone a kiss in the morning.
– Be active in the morning? 15 percent have incorporated exercise into their morning ritual.

Do you recognize yourself in the results?

Curious about more facts about morning rituals? View the entire Ikea survey.