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12 Questions About Farts You've Probably Asked Yourself.

12 Questions About Farts You ve Probably Asked Yourself.

We are going to discuss a subject that concerns us all:farts...

Or flatulence if you prefer.

Maybe you too have questions about flatulence.

But that you dare not ask them.

Admittedly, it's a bit of a taboo subject... and not at all glamorous.

We grant it to you! But it remains a subject that does not lack interest.

So we decided to reveal some mysteries about this annoying phenomenon...

But that concerns all of us on this planet.

Here are 12 answers to the questions we all ask ourselves about farts . Watch:

12 Questions About Farts You ve Probably Asked Yourself.

  • 1. How many times do you fart a day?
  • 2. Why does a fart smell bad?
  • 3. How long does it take for the smell of a fart to be felt?
  • 4. Why farting makes you laugh?
  • 5. What happens when you hold back from farting?
  • 6. Why do we tend to fart more in the morning?
  • 7. Is holding back farting dangerous?
  • 8. Should you be worried if a fart smells bad?
  • 9. Can a fart ignite?
  • 10. What is the difference between a fart and a burp?
  • 11. How fast is a fart expelled?
  • 12. Can you get rich by farting?

1. How many times do you fart a day?

It's actually a pretty big activity!

Since on average a person makes between 14 and 15 farts a day.

But don't worry, the health benefits of farts are proven!

You have to empty your belly of the intestinal gas caused by digestion.

With this information, you will be able to shine in society;-)

2. Why does a fart smell bad?

Intestinal gas is smelly. This is an indisputable fact.

The foul smell of fart results from its composition.

Or more exactly 1% of the intestinal gases composing a fart:hydrogen sulphide, dimethyl sulphide and methanethiol.

It is hydrogen sulfide that has that characteristic smell of sulfur or rotten eggs.

But, if it can reassure you, 99% of the gases that make up a fart are odorless.

3. How long does it take for the smell of a fart to be felt?

This question may be of interest in certain circumstances...

Know that it takes between 13 and 20 seconds for the smell of a fart to reach the nostrils of the people around you.

It can be his spouse, friends or even colleagues.

But know that in a closed place, it's obviously much faster!

It just takes 6 seconds.

Which leaves little time to find an excuse or blame it on the dog!

Especially if you're in bed with the person;-)

4. Why farting makes you laugh?

Oh, isn't that funny?

It must be said that laughter often expresses a certain embarrassment.

Don't we say "Better to laugh about it"?

Fart is often seen as a lack of education or a loosening of social norms.

So transgressing this taboo can provoke laughter... or mockery.

5. What happens when you stop farting?

If out of politeness, we withhold a fart, it does not really disappear.

It just migrates through the gastrointestinal system.

This can then contribute to increased pressure in the intestines and cause the belly to swell.

You can then feel pain and bloating.

Hence the interest of not holding back...

6. Why do we tend to fart more in the morning?

This is a fairly natural phenomenon that is easily explained.

At night, the sphincters contract automatically and block the farts.

So, we catch up in the morning!

And there, it's better to isolate yourself if you don't want to create problems...

7. Is holding back farting dangerous?

Rest assured, it's not dangerous.

And there is no risk of dying from it (except in certain films or cartoons).

So sorry, but that's no excuse to let go!

On the other hand, by force, it can generate bloating or stomach aches.

Holding back a fart can indeed be accompanied by discomfort.

Indeed, intestinal gas that is not expelled becomes lodged in the colon.

What causes abdominal distension:the belly swells and it can cause pain.

To discover:Gas And Bloating:The Magic Remedy To Get Rid Of It Quickly.

8. Should you be worried if a fart smells bad?

Sometimes the smell of a fart is really horrible.

But do not worry. The scientists are formal:

Farting is good for your health.

Logical since when you fart, you expel hydrogen sulphide.

It even appears to reduce the risk of cancer, stroke and heart attack.

Now you know what to say if you're caught in the act!

The bad smell is the result of food or our greater or lesser ability to digest certain foods well.

To discover: Grandma's Trick To Avoid Flatulence From WHITE BEANS.

9. Can a fart ignite?

Question chemistry now... Can we make fire with a fart?

From a theoretical point of view, yes since a fart contains methane and hydrogen.

And they are indeed two flammable gases.

From a practical point of view, we let you imagine the difficulties.

And above all, we formally advise against any attempt...

10. What is the difference between a fart and a burp?

Can we say that a burp and a fart are the same thing in the end?

Not really.

In both cases, it is certainly about gas emission.

But flatulence is emitted from the anus and eructation (burping) from the mouth.

This detail will not have escaped you!

In addition, a fart contains more bacteria and less oxygen than a burp.

But in both cases, it is better to avoid letting yourself go in public.

To discover: Grandmother's Effective Remedy for Bloating and Flatulence.

11. How fast is a fart expelled?

Yes, there are people who have thought of calculating the speed of a fart... and above all who have done it.

Go find out why!

Well imagine that a fart goes quite quickly. Average:11 km/h.

Great performance though!

12. Can you get rich by farting?

This one, you will have understood, is the 1,000€ question!

To be honest, we don't know if you can make a living by farting.

But know that in China, the profession of fart sniffer exists! And this job is not that badly paid.

Since experienced sniffers earn around €40,000 a year.

Why this unusual job?

Some traditional medicine experts believe that the smell of farts can reveal certain diseases.

From there to make it a vocation...