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5 facts about bladder infections

5 facts about bladder infections

If you often suffer from a bladder infection, you will probably recognize the first symptoms immediately. Some are more sensitive to it than others. What causes a bladder infection and can you do more than use antibiotics?

1. Cystitis is caused by the E-coli bacteria
40 percent of women think that a bladder infection is caused by too low resistance or waiting too long to urinate. These two factors indeed have an influence, but the real cause is the E-coli bacteria. Indeed, the 'poo bacteria'.

2. Wiping from front to back can reduce the risk of a bladder infection
Women have a short urethra, which is close to the anus. If you wipe incorrectly, from back to front, you increase the chance that bacteria will end up in the urethra.

3. Peeing after sex reduces the risk of a bladder infection
Making love increases the risk of cystitis, especially if you are already sensitive to it. You don't have to immediately adjust your entire sex life, but by urinating after sex, you reduce the chance that the bacteria will take hold.

4. Peeing a lot cannot make the inflammation disappear
Drinking and urinating a lot is good if you notice the first symptoms of a bladder infection, but it is not a panacea.

5. You can do more against cystitis than using antibiotics
44 percent of women go straight to their GP for bladder infections. Antibiotics are the best known anti-inflammatory. That may seem harmless, but when you use antibiotics too often, you can become resistant to them. You can also become resistant to the antibiotics that are used against a bladder infection. Many people do not know that you can also manage the symptoms with a self-help remedy; ROTER Cysticare. It is best to use the 5-day course as soon as the first symptoms appear and it is simply available at the drugstore.

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Source:ROTER | Image:Shutterstock

5 facts about bladder infections