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3 Signs You're Drinking Too Little

3 Signs You re Drinking Too Little

Not only is thirst a sign that you are not drinking enough water, these other symptoms also indicate that your body needs more water.

We all know that we should actually drink 2.5 to 3 liters of water a day, but it is sometimes quite difficult to estimate whether that actually works. How do you find out that you are still drinking too little? Read along!

Read also: '7 tips to drink more water'

1. Your urine is dark yellow

Have you noticed that your morning urine is darker in color? That's because you haven't drunk for a while. Your urine is more concentrated, which has to do with waste products. When you've had enough to drink, your pee will be light yellow. So time to top up your glass a few more times.

2. You suffer from constipation

To keep your bowel movements going, it is important to drink enough water. It keeps the contents of your intestines flexible, making it easier for you to go to the toilet. So if you have problems with your intestines and it is difficult to go to the toilet, it is wise to drink more water.

3. You have a headache

Your brain consists largely of water. When you have too little water in your body, the blood vessels in your brain expand to use the water that is still there. This pressure of the blood vessels causes headaches. Of course you don't want that! So make sure you always have a bottle of water with you and keep drinking regularly to avoid headaches.

Other bodily signals

If you drink too little, you could - in addition to the above symptoms - suffer from dizziness, a dry mouth, a faster heart rate or fatigue. In other words:let's keep hydrating!