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10 Signs That Show You're Not Drinking Enough Water (And Our Tips For Resolving Them).

10 Signs That Show You re Not Drinking Enough Water (And Our Tips For Resolving Them).

Water is an essential part of our body.

In fact, we are made up of 75% water.

In other words, water is essential for good health!

For this, it is important to stay well hydrated throughout the day...

...and of the year whether in summer or winter!

But how do you know if you are not dehydrated?

Luckily, here are 10 signs that you're not drinking enough water.

For each of these symptoms, we also explain how to remedy them. Watch:

10 Signs That Show You re Not Drinking Enough Water (And Our Tips For Resolving Them).

1. Chapped lips

10 Signs That Show You re Not Drinking Enough Water (And Our Tips For Resolving Them).

When the body is not hydrated enough, the skin feels tight. As the lips are fragile areas of the body, particularly exposed to heat and cold shocks, they tend to chap.

The skin cracks, splits and may even bleed.

How to fix it?

Start by drinking more regularly throughout the day. Don't bite your lips. You would only make your case worse.

Use a nourishing lip balm morning and night:we recommend this homemade lip balm recipe.

Get rid of dead skin with a scrub. Use one of these natural scrubs that you can make yourself or mix 1 teaspoon of sugar or almond powder and 1 teaspoon of olive oil.

You can also use your toothbrush to exfoliate your lips, as we explain in this tip. It is true that you will then have to think about hydrating them well.

2. Dark urine

10 Signs That Show You re Not Drinking Enough Water (And Our Tips For Resolving Them).

Your urine is dark? Bad sign... It is very likely that you are not drinking enough. Your kidneys lack water to eliminate toxins.

As a result, they have to work harder to evacuate these substances.

It is true that this dark yellow color can also result from the consumption of red fruits such as beets, blackberries or even food colorings.

But if you drink more and the color stays the same, it can also be seen as a symptom of hepatitis. Pain may also appear. Kidney stones can then occur.

How to fix it?

A single watchword:drink, drink and drink again. To remember to drink, always keep a bottle of water handy.

So you will think about it and drinking will soon become a reflex.

Not sure if you've had enough water all day? Use this trick to be sure.

When you are tired of drinking water, have an herbal tea, tea, lemon juice or cranberry juice which helps the kidneys eliminate toxins.

3. Constipation

10 Signs That Show You re Not Drinking Enough Water (And Our Tips For Resolving Them).

Dehydration can lead to constipation. Why?

Quite simply because the water we drink allows us to better evacuate waste.

Water allows you to have softer stools that will pass more easily. And if you drink too much water, the excess will be absorbed by the walls of the colon.

How to fix it?

Drink plenty of water and consume the fibers that you will find in whole grains (without abuse), but especially in all vegetables and fruits:cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, apples, watermelons.

Also think about hot soups that will help you regulate your transit.

In addition, you can try one of these 11 natural remedies for constipation.

If constipation sets in, a doctor should be consulted.

4. Wrinkles and dry skin

10 Signs That Show You re Not Drinking Enough Water (And Our Tips For Resolving Them).

Obviously the aging of the skin is responsible for wrinkles. But a lack of water can accentuate this phenomenon. Your skin is a reflection of your health.

If you don't drink enough, she'll let you know. Wrinkles will intensify and your skin will be dry. You may have noticed this phenomenon after your shower or bath?

Normal, without water in the dermis, collagen and elastin fibers are less effective.

They stiffen and exchanges no longer take place between the different layers of the epidermis.

Again, the toxins are no longer eliminated properly. The skin becomes fragile:psoriasis, depigmentation or the appearance of wrinkles may result.

Be aware that even oily skin can be prone to dehydration!

How to fix it?

You should drink enough water and give your skin the benefits of a moisturizer.

The upper layers of the epidermis, the most affected, will then be supple and well hydrated again.

Try this ancestral recipe for homemade moisturizer:it is particularly effective.

5. Weight gain

10 Signs That Show You re Not Drinking Enough Water (And Our Tips For Resolving Them).

Have you been gaining weight lately? It may be because you are not drinking enough.

When hungry or thirsty, the same area of ​​the brain is activated. The brain doesn't really tell the difference.

Result:when we are dehydrated, we tend to eat more. When we are just thirsty!

Moreover, drinking more water accelerates our metabolism which allows us to consume more calories.

How to fix it?

Listen to your body and your feelings to make the difference between your needs:to drink or to eat.

Apart from meals, if you feel hungry, you are probably thirsty.

To solve this problem, take a seasonal fruit full of fiber and water. And drink!

6. Stones and cystitis

10 Signs That Show You re Not Drinking Enough Water (And Our Tips For Resolving Them).

The lack of water does not only cause some inconvenience. It causes much more serious and painful problems:kidney stones and cystitis.

The formation of stones results from the consolidation of crystals. In general, these small crystals are eliminated without any problem.

But if they increase in size, they can clog the urinary tract, become infected and cause bleeding. Lack of water will increase this risk.

Heat is also a risk factor. This is why traveling to hot countries increases the risk.

And some professions are also more exposed than others:cooks, founders...

How to fix it?

You have to learn to spot the first symptoms that should alert you. If you have pain in the middle of your back and you urinate a lot, chances are it's a stone.

Cystitis always starts with a burning sensation when you go to the toilet and a very frequent urge to urinate.

At the first signs, even before the pain becomes more severe, drink plenty of water.

You can also take cranberry juice:its virtues help speed healing. If that doesn't work, try this natural remedy.

7. Headache

10 Signs That Show You re Not Drinking Enough Water (And Our Tips For Resolving Them).

A headache can simply be the consequence of dehydration.

No wonder when you know that the brain is made up of 70% water!

If your body lacks water, it will seek it wherever it is, including the brain.

Less water for the brain also means less oxygen...

Hence the headache and dizziness, and sometimes great fatigue and excessive bad mood.

How to fix it?

Don't wait until you're sick to drink. Drinking water should become as natural as breathing.

At night, keep a bottle with you. When you get up, drink a large glass of water.

Avoid alcohol and caffeine which contribute to dehydration. A little advice ? Have tea rather than coffee in the morning.

8. Fatigue

10 Signs That Show You re Not Drinking Enough Water (And Our Tips For Resolving Them).

Without water, the body is deficient. And the brain is a big consumer of water, as we saw just above.

As soon as the brain lacks water, it functions less well.

And the whole body is affected by dehydration. It becomes less efficient, slower.

The smallest task to accomplish requires a lot of effort.

If it lacks water, the body lacks fuel to function normally. And it's the big blow of fatigue guaranteed!

How to fix it?

The parade is simple:you have to drink water, and especially throughout the day.

The effect is almost immediate. Your body will quickly regain all its vitality. Say goodbye to tiredness!

9. Joint pain

10 Signs That Show You re Not Drinking Enough Water (And Our Tips For Resolving Them).

Water is a kind of lubricant for the cartilage located in the joints. It preserves their proper functioning.

Thanks to the water, the joints slide easily between them. The cartilage has no roughness. It is smooth.

If there is a lack of water, the cartilages become harder and rougher.

Every movement causes friction. It is the sure inflammation that precedes osteoarthritis.

How to fix it?

Again, you have to drink water, but also avoid sodas.

Why ? Because sodas have the opposite effect. It hydrates the body much less than water.

By drinking sodas instead of water, you increase your chances of having urinary problems and kidney stones.

So, when you are thirsty, first think of drinking water rather than drinking a can of Coke. Your body will thank you and your wallet too.

10. Weakened immune system

10 Signs That Show You re Not Drinking Enough Water (And Our Tips For Resolving Them).

Water helps eliminate toxins in the body, reduces the risk of cancer, heart attacks and kidney dysfunction.

If there is a lack of water, the body in general and the immune system in particular are weakened. We risk a big blow of fatigue, kidney stones, constipation and even depression.

But fortunately, there is a very simple trick to make all these problems disappear. Just drink water regularly. Quite simply.

Also remember to moisturize your skin. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables that contain water. They will also help keep you hydrated.

To stay healthy, it is better to avoid sodas, sugar, alcohol, caffeine.

From now on, your best friend is your bottle of water that you will take everywhere with you.

To do this, consider investing in a quality water bottle like this one.

But above all, do not reuse a plastic water bottle several times, because they are not made for that. Discover our article on the subject here.

Your turn...

Have you tried these tricks to find out if you lack water? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to read you!