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6 common mistakes when wearing a mouth cap

6 common mistakes when wearing a mouth cap

These have flown off the shelves since the Corona crisis:mouth caps. When you go to public places, you can hardly avoid them. Although we have started wearing mouth caps en masse, it seems that some mistakes are still being made when it comes to mouth caps. We have described them for you so that you do not have to make them and can better protect yourself and your loved ones against the virus.

Read also :'Original initiatives in times of coronavirus'

1. Don't wear one

We understand that you don't walk around with a mouth cap at home, but it is wise to do so outside, especially if you go to places where it is difficult to keep your distance from others. Think, for example, of the supermarket or in public transport (where mouth caps are even mandatory). After all, the cap forms a protective barrier, both for you if you come close to someone who carries the virus or if you wear it yourself, but you may not have noticed it (yet). You can never be sure enough!

2. Wearing a cap that doesn't fit properly

When you wear a mouth cap, it is very important that it fits well. Make sure that your mouth, nose and chin are hidden under the hood and check that the hood also stays in place when you talk, for example. Of course, it shouldn't be so tight that you can't breathe comfortably in it, but it should be close to your face. This way it not only stays in place better during your activities, you also only ensure that you remain protected.

3. Put on or pull your hood

We wear the masks to prevent the spread of the virus. But if you constantly take off the cap to talk or cough, you can also spread or contract the virus. Touching the mask – yes, even the front – can also pose a greater risk of contamination, especially if you also touch your face afterwards. Therefore, stay away from your mouth cap as much as possible while wearing it.

4. Do not wash/clean your hands

Putting on your mouth cap with 'dirty' hands is also a huge recommendation. Therefore, make sure you wash or disinfect your hands before putting on your mouth cap. Did you touch your mouth cap with your hands while wearing it? Even then it is wise to disinfect your hands again. Are you at home? Then loosen the strings or remove the cap from behind your ears and fold it with the outside inwards. Then you can put it in the laundry (or in the trash, if you don't have a washable mouth cap). Wash your hands immediately afterwards!

5. Do not change your cap

Would you wear the same underwear every day? The same goes for face masks:when you have used them, you have to change them. Whether you wash it or throw it away - depending on the type of mouth cap you use - at least replace it with a clean one. A cotton mouth cap can retain infectious substances (as can a disposable mouth cap), but the latter can also work less well because the filter layers break down or the elastics lose their strength. Then you better replace them!

6. Forgot your cap

It probably happens to you that you suddenly have to go out and have forgotten your mouth cap in all haste. Very annoying, but it is wise to go and get him at home. Firstly, you are not allowed to use public transport without a cap, but it is also a good idea for your own safety. Therefore, always make sure there is a bag with clean mouth caps in your bag or in your car and make taking a mask part of your routine. Keys? check. Telephone? check. Face mask? Check!