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Coronavirus has other life-threatening complications:blood clots

Coronavirus has other life-threatening complications:blood clots

Until now, corona patients mainly focused on infections with the lungs and their consequences, but research shows that there are other life-threatening complications involved:blood clots.

The study was conducted among 184 corona patients in intensive care and was conducted in three hospitals:Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC), Amphia Hospital in Breda and Rotterdam Erasmus Medical Center.

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Thrombosis complications

“We did not know that so many corona patients developed a thrombosis complication,” says professor of Internal Medicine Menno Huisman (LUMC) in an interview with, who led the study together with internist Rik Endeman (Erasmus MC). “The results have been received with surprise worldwide. Until now, the focus was mainly on infections in the lungs and their consequences, but not with thrombosis complications.”

Blood thinners

According to Huisman, the findings are important, because now they can try to do something about it by giving ICU patients an increased dose of blood thinners to reduce thrombosis complications, which can improve their condition.