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To do! Perform a body scan at home easily and for free

To do! Perform a body scan at home easily and for free

Why spend hundreds of euros on a body scan when you can do it for free at home? During a body scan, complaints often arise that do not even bother you. With these websites and apps you can easily perform a check-up at home and only test what you want to know.

Test your hearing

There is little that can be done about the fact that your hearing deteriorates as you get older. You can slow down the deterioration of your hearing by properly protecting your ears at concerts, in the cinema or while listening to music with earphones. Do you want to know how good your hearing is? Then take the National Hearing Test test. This test measures how well you can understand speech in a noisy environment.

Test your vision

With this eye test, made by ophthalmologists at Het Oogziekenhuis Rotterdam, you can test the quality of your vision for free behind your computer. This test is strict, so you get all the advice to visit an optician if you need a lamp when reading.

Test the condition of your heart

The condition of your heart can be measured with a centimeter! An excess of belly fat increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, this test weighs more heavily than the BMI. Grab an inch and place it between the bottom of your lower rib and the top of your pelvis. Exhale and read how you are doing:

To do! Perform a body scan at home easily and for free

Nowadays there are also more and more apps that measure your heart rate such as the instant heart rate app † Test your heart rate after exercise or quietly on the couch.

Test your muscles and fitness

In the hospital you can have your fitness measured on the basis of oxygen intake in your muscles and on the basis of your heart rate. But it can also be done at home with the Police Condition app (Only for Android). This app was developed for the physical test of the police, but is also fun to do if you do not work for the police. With this app you go through five training sessions, in which explosiveness and the rapid recovery of the muscles are central.

You can also download the Cooper Vo2 Max app use. With this app you can take the well-known Cooper test yourself. It works quite simply. How fast can you run in twelve minutes? You can see how good your condition is based on your age.

Read also: "Do you want to start running? That's how you get off to a good start'

Test the condition of your skin

Dermatologists recommend paying close attention to your skin if you notice any suspicious spots. These spots could be skin cancer. But which places are suspicious? With the Skin monitor app you can compare a photo of your spot with that of the database and check whether your spot is suspicious. You can also save your photos in the app and keep track of whether your spot has changed. This app is appreciated by doctors and won the Health App Award in 2012.

Source:Santé May 2015 Text:Heleen van Croonen