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Total body check-up, but just at home

Total body check-up, but just at home

Why spend hundreds of euros on a total body scan? Just check your health at home with Santé's total body check.

Body scan
There are many ways to get your health checked. You can have your fitness measured with a medical sports examination, or even have a total body scan done at a special clinic. Your entire body is then screened with MRIs, CT scans and a blood test.

You hope that after that you will get 'very healthy' as a stamp. Unfortunately, a total body scan cannot rule out all risks. In fact, abnormalities are regularly found and then treated, while you would never have become ill from them. This causes a lot of anxiety and extra costs, without making you healthier, according to critical doctors.

Keep an eye on your body
You can also scan your body yourself. Bart Timmers works as a general practitioner and is an expert in the field of medical apps and health meters. Together with his advice, we made a Santé body check for home.

From page 36 in the May issue of Santé you can read more about health checks that you can do at home, for example for your eyes, mouth, skin, heart and muscles.

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When in doubt, always make an appointment with your doctor.