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In which countries can you drink tap water?

In which countries can you drink tap water?

When you are in the Netherlands, drinking water from the tap is the most normal thing in the world. But what about your holiday country?

Can you drink tap water in Spain, France or Turkey? And why does the water from the tap taste different in your holiday country than in the Netherlands? Is it better to stock up on bottles of water from the supermarket?

Read also :The tastiest tap water in the Netherlands

The drinking water company Vitens set up the site where you can check the status of the tap water in your holiday country.

The most countries checked are Spain, France, Italy, Turkey and Greece. For example, you can drink tap water in Spain, but it has a chlorine taste. Most Spaniards therefore buy their water in the supermarket. You can also drink the tap water in France, Italy and Greece, but it has a chlorine taste. So maybe buy a bottle? The tap water in Turkey is not recommended to drink because it is chlorinated. And also pay attention to the ice cubes:it is better not to put them in your drink.

Do you want to know whether the maternity water is suitable in your holiday country? Look at