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iodine | Are you getting enough of it?

iodine | Are you getting enough of it?

Don't you eat bread? How do you get your iodine? This is the question Hormone Lifestyle coach Angelien always asks her clients.

Getting this trace element is so important. Do you have to eat bread for that? No you don't have to.

Why do you need iodine?

Iodine is a trace element that we get through our diet. It is very important for health:it is necessary for the production of thyroid hormones, normal growth, development of the nervous system and nerve conduction. So also extremely important for the development of children and for pregnant women.

Iodine deficiency

Our whole body needs it. A deficiency can lead to:

  • Enlargement of the thyroid gland (goiter)
  • Delayed thyroid function
  • Growth retardation in children
  • Reduced mental development
  • Greater risk of miscarriages
  • Congenital thyroid problems

It also appears that there is a link between an iodine deficiency and people with insulin resistance and/or a too low level of the stress hormone cortisol in the event of a burnout, for example. In addition, an iodine deficiency could lead to increased estrogen production, but this is still being researched.

An iodine deficiency can go unnoticed for a long time because the thyroid gland can store a lot of iodine in our body. That's how it is in our glandular system:breasts, prostate, sweat glands, ovaries and brain.


Bread contains iodine because Dutch bakers, on behalf of the government, use salt to which it has been added to bake their bread. The reason for this was that people did not get enough iodine and as a result developed a thickened, malfunctioning thyroid gland (goiter).

Nowadays many people eat little or no bread because of carbohydrates and/or gluten. I look at the complaints of my clients (including energy, intestines, skin, etc.) and see that many complaints are reduced by omitting gluten. I also prefer to get carbohydrates and fiber from other nutrients that keep blood sugar levels more stable. A good bread with iodine is Yam sourdough bread (orange wrapper), this one is gluten free. Some people opt for organic bread, but it often does not contain iodine. So take a good look at that. Do you have no complaints and do you want to eat bread now and then? Then take coarse wholemeal bread.

Also read:6 ideas for bread substitutes

Other foods with iodine

The list below indicates the iodine content in mcg per 100 gr. The recommended daily amount of iodine for adults is 150 micrograms. For pregnant women, the advice is 175 mcg. Breastfeeding women may consume 200 micrograms of iodine per day. Children up to 9 years old, the RDA is between 50 and 120 mcg.

  • Celtic sea salt:look at the jar, there is a difference
  • Nori per 100 gr 250 mcg
  • Kombu 100 gr 433000 mcg
  • A teaspoon of JOZO salt with iodine (2 grams) contains 100 mcg
  • Seaweed flakes:look at packaging
  • Kelp 1 gram (about 1/2 teaspoon) 1350 mcg. But beware, there can also be a difference, always look!

Also read:What about the iodine tablets?

Are you familiar with thyroid problems and do you use medication for this? Or do you use medication such as blood thinners? Do not just use larger amounts of iodine, but always consult an expert first. Pregnant women are advised to take a multivitamin with iodine, for example.

If you want more information and tips about hormones, please visit Angelien's website.