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5 reasons to work towards your goal in small steps

5 reasons to work towards your goal in small steps

Keep your goals manageable by breaking them into pieces.

Don't think too big Losing seven kilos, starting your own business, living a healthier life, spending less money, exercising three times a week:all of these are great goals. Some goals are big and cannot be achieved overnight. It is best to cut your goal into pieces and set 'interim goals'.

What can you do to reach your ultimate goal?

  • By asking yourself that question, it becomes easier to determine intermediate goals.
  • Lose 200 grams every week.
  • Besides your full-time job, start writing your own business plan.
  • Reduce drinking soda.
  • Eating out less often or spending less money at the station to save money.
  • Start exercising once a week and also cycle and walk more often instead of going by car.

Why narrow your goals?

1. Your goals can be achieved in a shorter time
Since your target is smaller, they seem almost within reach. You know better what you are working towards and that way you can take targeted action.

2. It motivates
You can achieve small goals faster. The successes motivate you to continue and to keep working towards your next goal and thus towards your ultimate goal.

3. You keep getting further
With every small goal you achieve, you get closer to your goal.

4. You are building a new lifestyle
When you change a habit in one go, it is difficult to keep up with the change. By gradually getting used to new habits or making improvements in your life, you make them part of your own lifestyle.

5. Many small changes together make a big change
When you make several small changes in your life, you will soon notice how much effect they have on your life together. Every little bit helps.