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Setting and achieving goals is an art!

Setting and achieving goals is an art!

In November Fitness Bible for Women-Live starts. Until then, your coach Marije de Vries will keep a blog on Have you already signed up for Fitness Bible For Women-Live to work on your goal?

To me, setting a goal is synonymous with a deadline:a date on which you achieved your goal. During Fitness Bible for Women-Live I distinguish between a SIX WEEKS goal and an ULTIMATE goal.

What do you want to achieve in six weeks, in our case on December 31, 2012? Finally fit into your favorite pants again? Lose four pounds or get tighter? Whatever your SIX WEEKS goal, speak up! Tell those around you, put pressure on yourself. Really, it works.

What do you ever want to have achieved in your life in terms of nutrition, training, health or your looks? Have you been trying to lose ten pounds for so long, but just can't? Do you want to get rid of your unhealthy lifestyle once and for all and fit into size 38? Are you done with that uncertainty and do you want to be proud and happy with yourself and your life again? Enjoy and rest more?

Your goals
If you participate in FBVV-LIVE, we will look beyond December 31. From January 1, 2013 you will work on your ULTIMATE goal. After all, your SIX-week goal is a fact and you are a big step closer to ticking an important wish off your bucket list.

A goal becomes reality if it is attainable and realistic. Just as I want you to learn what good and healthy choices are in the field of nutrition, exercise and relaxation, I also want you to be able to set a feasible and realistic goal. I'm going to teach you how to do this.

Remember that it's never a bad thing to adjust your goals, but to decide to stop!

The first mail
If you have already registered for FBVV-LIVE, you will receive the first information at the end of this week and I will ask you what your SIX WEEKS and ULTIMATE goal is! I am very curious!

See you emails!


In November Fitness Bible For Women-Live starts. You can sign up for free via the website of Fitness Bible For Women .