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Stop food waste with the book Instock cooking

Stop food waste with the book Instock cooking

In the July issue of Santé you can read an interview with Freke van Nimwegen. She is the co-founder of restaurant Instock, which cooks with products that would otherwise be thrown away. Do you also want to become more aware and waste less food? Get inspired in the book Instock Cooking.

Curious about the interview with Freke?

The book shows how you can turn products that often end up in the trash can into something delicious. Half a cucumber, an overripe banana; don't throw it away, but make something tasty out of it. The recipes are by Lucas Jeffries (Instock), Samuel Levie, Yvette van Boven, Meneer Wateetons and Pepijn Schmeink.

Furthermore, the book explains various conservation techniques. Are you almost giving up reading this term? Not necessary, this book makes it easy and accessible. Nice detail:the book is printed on stone paper and is therefore water resistant. Handy in the kitchen.

Instock Cooking, Character Publishers, €19.99.

More about food waste
Cooking for one person without wasting food
Less food waste before the holidays
9 tips to waste less food