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My 3 Tips For Sexy Feet This Summer.

My 3 Tips For Sexy Feet This Summer.

Sandalettes are not forgiving.

In summer, our feet must be as sexy as can be seen in plain sight.

No more corn, dry skin or other small flaws, they should be soft and shiny.

Here are 3 tips for being hot with fanned toes.

My 3 Tips For Sexy Feet This Summer.

1. Test the fish pedicure

New trendy treatment to make our feet look great, the fish pedicure has been causing a sensation for a few years in France. In Turkey or on the Asian continent, it is a real treatment that women regularly treat themselves to.

What does it consist of?

We dip our feet into a pool of water in which small fish come to feast on our dead skin.

Called Garra Rufa , these small fish have therapeutic virtues . It's not for nothing that they are nicknamed "doctor fish". In France, we use this treatment in a rather relaxation and well-being axis, but you should know that these small fish can also relieve our itching and other skin diseases such as eczema.

This type of care can be found in most large cities. At the entrance, you are washed to get rid of your impurities before entering the water. We also check that you have no skin problem.

Then, you are taken to a pool. The little Rufa quickly pounce on your feet and between your toes to eat all your dead skin. If at first it tickles a little, you get used to it quickly. And we come out with clean and light feet!

It takes €35 the session of 20 min . It is a relatively expensive sum, but it is not necessary to return to it often. Once every 6 months will be more than enough, and for this summer, only one session will be necessary!

However, it is better to be careful with this practice which can involve certain dangers. In 2016, the National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety (ANSES) expressed reservations about this practice.

2. My homemade foot care with essential oils

Feet do not have sebaceous glands. As a result, only perspiration can hydrate them. Not very glamorous, you might say.

So to bring them softness and hydration, we take a foot bath once a week, as well as a soothing and moisturizing treatment with lavender essential oil.

1. The foot bath

Water at 38°C , a handful of coarse salt and a tablespoon of oil sweet almond , these are the perfect ingredients to immerse your feet for at least 10 minutes.

I place some pebbles at the bottom of the basin, so that I could massage my arch at the same time. What well-being!

Dry your feet well afterwards, remembering to do it between each toe.

2. My relaxing treatment with lavender essential oil

To complete the treatment, mix 3 drops of lavender essential oil (with soothing and relaxing virtues) with an ordinary moisturizer, and gently massage our feet.

With circular movements, we pass between the toes and go up to the ankles. These gestures should be pleasant and allow you to relax before going to sleep.

After the massage, put on socks to keep your feet hydrated as much as possible. Alternatively, do it just before bed to keep your feet enjoying its benefits all night long.

3. The antiperspirant care for the summer

Excessive sweating problems or not, we are all concerned when summer and the high temperatures arrive. Our feet swell, they get too hot, they sweat.

1. Palmarosa essential oil for dry feet

To calm this excessive perspiration, nothing like palmarosa essential oil. It has antifungal and antibacterial properties. Thus, it helps to fight against mycoses and other fungi and therefore fights against excessive sweating.

2. How to use it?

Mix 3 drops of palmarosa essential oil with 3 drops of jojoba oil (for hydration). This will be enough to massage your feet daily. After a few days, sweating should decrease.

3. Where to find it?

You can get it here. With this pack, you can put your feet protected from untimely perspiration for several years!