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What can you do against canker sores?

What can you do against canker sores?

Aphthous ulcers are very common:one in five adults sometimes suffers from them. They are harmless, but sometimes painful. What can you do about it?

Dentist Marjolein van Dijk: Canker sores are white or yellowish blisters in your mouth. They are harmless, but can be painful.

Low resistance
They often arise when your resistance is less good, when you are hypersensitive to certain foods or in times of stress.

To the dentist or not?
Aphthous ulcers usually disappear within two weeks; a visit to the dentist is not necessary. Sometimes people think they have canker sores, while they are pressure spots from a dental prosthesis, or wounds from a sharp tooth. In that case, it is wise to go to the dentist.

What can you do against canker sores?
It is best to stay away from canker sores. Breaking blisters aggravates the symptoms. So eat and brush carefully. In my practice I see several remedies passing by. The effect has not been scientifically proven, but according to my patients they do provide relief. Some patients benefit from taking magnesium tablets. To relieve the pain, special touch-up remedies are available at the drugstore. Rinsing with water with a drop of medicinal tea tree oil in it can also reduce the pain.'