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Nu experience under fire

Nu experience under fire

At the beginning of this year, the pill Diance-35 was discredited because of its health risks. In America, the Nuvaring is now discredited for similar reasons.

More than two thousand American women blame the manufacturer that the Nuvaring has caused thrombosis, pulmonary embolism and cerebral infarctions. There are even said to have died a number of women, the exact number is unknown.

Dutch facts
In the Netherlands, the Nuvaring is distributed 170,000 times a year. The main advantage of the ring is that the hormone dosage would be lower than that of the pill. On the other hand, there is the disadvantage:the ring contains the hormone etonogestrel. The same substance is also found in MSD's third-generation pills, which have already been shown in the 1990s to double the risk of thrombosis compared to the traditional second-generation pill.

Increased risk of thrombosis
A Danish study has shown that an average of 6.5 in 10,000 Nuvaring users develop thrombosis. MSD, the producer of the Nuvaring, points to its own, self-financed study that shows the opposite.

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Source:Volkskrant | image:shutterstock