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Jolijn blog 1:ready to test The Best Diet In The World

Jolijn blog 1:ready to test The Best Diet In The World

Jolijn (35) tests for Santé The Best Diet In The World. Is her weight loss rescue near? Meet Jolijn and follow her experiences with The Best Diet In The World.

Jolijn: 'Testers wanted for the Best Diet in the World,' I read on Salvation was near! I also knew that something had to be done and very soon.

Low carb, food hourglass, grip on carbs, 17 days, Weight Watchers… I tried it. With success, because I can very well start something with full dedication. A week, one and a half, two weeks, then it gets more difficult. At a party or a drink, I still give in. Then I am convinced that I have to live my life, that it must remain fun. Well, that includes wine and snacks.

When I sin, I do it right. The line day has already failed anyway, so it doesn't matter anymore. It goes from bad to worse. For a while now I have been stuffing everything in my mouth that I come across in my mouth when the children are in bed because snacking is not a good example. That can no longer be the case. Apart from the fact that I want to feel good and I don't feel that because of my eating behavior, I also want to look better than now. I've been doing well with sports for years, but it can't compete with my sweets.

My last line attempt was 'the food hourglass'. It went really well, but I was also allowed to eat extra dark chocolate and nuts and I take that very much. As a result, I felt really fit, but I also gained weight. Back to Weight Watchers. Because I really believe in that. Just eat as you always eat only in the right amounts. Now that there's an app for your phone, it's super easy to keep track of wherever you are. Anyway, then there will be some parties, some Friday afternoon drinks and eating out. Then things go wrong. I can think of every morning; today i start again. Then it goes well for quite some time. Until dinner approximately. By now I'm pretty hungry and I snort a bit and then it goes wrong and then it went wrong and I can eat a pack of Tuc on the couch.

Then the call came on wanted! I applied and really hoped I would be selected. The title alone; The Best Diet In The World. Who wouldn't want to try that? The diet is even suitable for the whole family. It couldn't be better, because it remains a hassle to make a different dish for everyone. What I also find interesting is that it has been researched what it does in the long run. Because I can follow something for a while and lose weight. Making something into a habit, on the other hand… Making a commitment seems good in my situation. Then at least I have to stick with it, because I said yes to that. I'm going for it!

On Tuesday I knew I would probably get the book on Wednesday. In the Appie I fully loaded my basket because this would probably be 'my last nice night of snitch'. With a Toblerone in hand, I settle down on the couch to explore what I'll be doing tomorrow. Or after the weekend because then I'm going away for the weekend;-) Jolijn blog 1:ready to test The Best Diet In The World

Santé wishes Jolijn every success with The Best Diet In The World. Are you curious how Jolijn is going? Then keep an eye on, because here she reports on her experiences with the diet.

Has your interest been aroused? Check out the website of The Best Diet In The World.

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