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Covid-19:China has designed the fastest test machine in the world!

Recently, a Chinese company claimed to have developed a PCR test machine that provides a result in just half an hour. This system, already used by the country's health authorities as well as airports, should arrive in Europe in the near future.

A machine that simplifies the procedure

Today in China, it is possible for citizens to perform a PCR test, the result of which comes in just half an hour, a record time. As Channel News Asia explains in an article from September 29, 2020, this machine called Flash 20 was designed by the Chinese company Coyote. According to Sabrina Li, founder of this company, it is the fastest test machine in the world for PCR tests revealing the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.

Each copy of the Flash 20 costs 300,000 yuan, or about 38,000 euros. In addition, the machine is easy to use. Unqualified personnel can indeed handle it as part of conventional screening. In addition, the patient receives the results directly on his smartphone. Capable of processing no less than four samples simultaneously , the Flash 20 machine represents an additional weapon in the fight against the coronavirus. Remember that PCR tests are the most reliable but usually the manipulations are not simple and the wait for the result is quite long. The system therefore aims to simplify the procedure.

Covid-19:China has designed the fastest test machine in the world!

Coming to Europe soon?

China says it has stemmed the outbreak through testing in addition to quarantines, mask-wearing and contact tracing using personal data. Between the months of February and July 2020, 500,000 tests were practiced by the authorities of the country. However, 97% of the tests performed by the machine were similar to those of conventional PCR tests.

Chinese authorities have long certified this system but recently those of the European Union and Australia have followed. The Coyote company now hopes to obtain the agreement of the United States as well as the World Health Organization (WHO). Thus, the Flash 20 machine could be released worldwide. According to Coyote, the UK has already purchased two machines and discussions are ongoing with French health authorities.

Let us mention in passing that the United States announced – through Donald Trump – the distribution of 150 million rapid test kits in the country. These pregnancy test-like tests are quick, with a result coming in 15 to 30 minutes. However, these have the drawback of being less sensitive than PCR tests.